Why was AO Shin Cancelled?

Why was AO Shin Cancelled?

As the years went on fans became increasingly frustrated due to various delays and problems with the champion. Eventually, after nearly 3 years in development, Ao Shin was axed and never got to see summoner’s rift. But in his place, a new dragon champion named Aurelion Sol became his successor.

What does Ao Shin mean?

Shin can mean many things, one of which is prosperity. It also means a rising storm. Ao Shin embodies this elemental duality, capable of raining good fortune on his allies and, in the very next breath, bringing stormy, thunderous ruin upon his foes.

Is Ao Shin Aurelion Sol?

But alas Ao Shin is still not getting a release. INSTEAD he has morphed into a different character over time – still a dragon-themed champion – and is tentatively named Aurelion Sol.

Who designed Aurelion?

Aurelion Sol once graced the vast emptiness of the celestial realm with wonders of his own devising, but was tricked by the Aspects of Targon into revealing the secrets of a sun that he himself created.

Who is Aurelion Sol based on?

Ao Shin, the cancelled storm dragon champion whose concepts would later become Aurelion Sol himself.

Did Aurelion Sol create Runeterra?

As one of the oldest living beings in the universe, Aurelion Sol has witnessed the rise and fall of countless worlds. Even so, the one that piqued his interest and curiosity was Runeterra, as he did not know who created it, « only that it had not been him ».

Which is the best little legend?

Riot has released many Little Legends since the betta TFT, and I was given a very difficult task of ranking my Top 10, since they are all cute and adorable it is almost impossible to choose….


How old is Zoe LoL?

5000 years old
Zoe is over 5000 years old according to the lore. She is a celestial being in the form of an innocent looking child.

Is Kindred the strongest in lore?

Kindred is the omnipotent and omnipresent being that is present for everyone in Runeterra, even for the Celestials and the gods of Targon. The Targonian Celestials and beings like Aatrox and the Shuriman Ascended might have immortal ages and youth, but they will sustain damage and are capable of death.

Are Zoe and Aurelion Sol friends?

Aurelion Sol and Zoe are sorta friends—but he knows not to trust her. And in fact she is his best hope of getting free—after he learns what he needs.

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