Why has my honeycomb not worked?

Why has my honeycomb not worked?

If you haven’t cooked your syrup to a high enough temperature, simply continue cooking! However, once you’ve added your baking soda there’s no way back. What you will find though is that your honeycomb won’t be brittle and hard. Instead, it might turn out soft and maleable once it has cooled down.

Why is my honeycomb not setting?

Underheating the sugar makes the honeycomb sticky so it won’t set correctly. Keep your eye on the sugar thermometer and make sure the temperature reaches at least 146 degrees C or 295 degrees F.

Why does my honeycomb taste bitter?

Why does my honeycomb taste bitter? Because you over cooked the sugar and golden syrup mix. Don’t cook the sugar and golden syrup mix for as long next time.

Do you put honeycomb in the fridge to set?

Leave to cool and harden for at least an hour. When set, break it into shards. Store in a sealed container somewhere cool and dry – not the fridge. The honeycomb will keep for a week.

Why is my homemade honeycomb sticky?

Remember your stages of sugar boiling and how they come out, if it’s too sticky or soft it is probably down to too low a final temperature (wrong texture) or more likely too much golden syrup.

Can I put honeycomb in the fridge to set?

What temperature does honeycomb need to be?

How to cook honeycomb. The most important thing to get right is the degree of caramellisation; the ideal temperature is hard ball stage, 250-265F/121-130C. Best results are obtained with white sugar rather than brown sugar, so you can more easily judge the colour if you don’t have a sugar thermometer.

What is honeycomb io?

Honeycomb is a fast analysis tool that reveals the truth about how users experience your code in complex and unpredictable environments. Within seconds, find patterns and outliers across billions of rows of data to definitively solve problems.

Why is my cinder toffee sticky?

If too much inverted sugar is added it increases the tendency for the cinder toffee to become sticky.

What is crack stage for honeycomb?

The critical point is to heat the sugar to a stage called “hard crack” around 160deg Celcius which makes the honeycomb crunchy and crispy, anything less than this and you’ll have some tooth-extracting toffee.


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