Where is Hyderabad and Pune located?

Where is Hyderabad and Pune located?

Hyderabad is located in India at the longitude of 78.49 and latitude of 17.38. Pune is located in India at the longitude of 73.86 and latitude of 18.52 . Driving Distance : 560 KM and 775 meters / 348.4 miles. Straight Line Distance : 505 KM and 900 meters / 314.4 miles.

Is Pune close to Hyderabad?

The Distance between Hyderabad to Pune by road is 564KM. The aerial distance from Hyderabad to Pune is 506KM.

How far is Pune and Hyderabad?

Pune to Hyderabad

Aerial Distance 504Km
Road Distance 565Km

Which road is best for Goa from Hyderabad?

Route 1: Hyderabad to Goa via Raichur This is the most preferred route for traveling from Hyderabad to Goa by road.

How can I go to Nasik from Hyderabad?

The cheapest way to reach from Hyderabad to Nashik is bus to Nashik and takes 17h 0m. The fastest way to reach from Hyderabad to Nashik is flight to Sahar International Airport, then cab to Nashik and takes 5h 31m. The recommended way to reach from Hyderabad to Nashik is bus to Nashik and takes 17h 0m.

How can I go to Lonavala from Hyderabad?

The cheapest way to reach from Hyderabad to Lonavala is train to Lonavala and takes 12h 53m. The fastest way to reach from Hyderabad to Lonavala is flight to Sahar International Airport, then cab to Lonavala and takes 4h 6m. The recommended way to reach from Hyderabad to Lonavala is train to Lonavala and takes 12h 53m.

How is the road from Pune to Goa?

Though some of the hilly roads are a bit patchy, the route is scenic and there are plenty of places to stop along the way. The trip averages between 8 – 10 hours at a stretch {not including any stops}. It’s best to start out from Pune at around 4 or 5 am, since it’s a long drive, and travelling at night can be unsafe.

How far is Ahmedabad from Hyderabad?

Ahmedabad to Hyderabad

Aerial Distance 876Km
Road Distance 1223Km

How far is Hyderabad from Mumbai by flight?

Hyderabad to Mumbai

Aerial Distance 617Km
Road Distance 716Km

How can I go to Dudhsagar waterfalls from Hyderabad by train?

You can take an overnight train which takes around 15 hours to Karmali and then reach Dudhsagar via car/train. To reach by train you will have to go to Panaji and board the 12779 — Goa Express (towards Hazrat Nizamuddin). Dudhsagar is only 63 kms from Karmali.

How much time does it take from Hyderabad to Goa by car?

around 13 to 14 hours
A road trip from Hyderabad to Goa is a long one, taking around 13 to 14 hours, but it is also one of the top road trips in India that you will thoroughly enjoy! The route is marked with excellent sights and experiences. Driving through the Western Ghats will be one of the highlights of your trip.

Which airport is near to Nasik?

Mumbai International Airport
Mumbai International Airport serves as the nearest airport to Nashik. Plenty of domestic and international flights connect Mumbai with rest of the world. So, for going to Nashik, one can easily take a flight till Mumbai and then board a bus, car or train to travel the remaining distance.

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