What is the most popular pattern on Ravelry?

What is the most popular pattern on Ravelry?

Shawls are, by far, the most popular pattern type that Ravelers look at; and, not surprisingly, projects requiring fingering weight yarn outnumber all other yarn weights combined.

What’s the problem with Ravelry?

Soon after the new design went live, a user complained that the site was responsible for migraine headaches. This was followed by an Instagram post: “Warning: Ravelry may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy as well as migraines.

Is Ravelry going away?

So what happens now? It’s clear Ravelry is not currently interested in making more changes to support people who say the site is now unusable, leaving them needing to find alternatives (I’ve shared a post here with some information; there are even more details and options on this post from WIP Insanity.

How do I find a pattern on Ravelry?

You can search for patterns under the patterns tab. You will see a search box there where you can enter what you are looking for and click “search.” If you need to narrow your search down further, you can use our advanced search.

How do I get Ravelry patterns for free?


  1. Visit the Patterns tab in the top navigation.
  2. Enter a search term in the box (I typed in “scarf”)
  3. Filter your results by. craft (“knitting”) gender / age / size / fit. ravelry designer.
  4. Scroll back up to the top of your page to see your filtered knitting project selections.

Are there free patterns on Ravelry?

… available as PDF downloads from Ravelry. You can see all of them, or we’ve split them out into free or for sale patterns if you prefer to browse that way. Your Pattern Highlights These are newly released patterns that we think you might like.

Is Ravelry owned by Amazon?

It functions as an organizational tool for a variety of fiber arts, including knitting, crocheting, spinning and weaving….Ravelry.

Type of business Private
Owner Ravelry, LLC
Founder(s) Cassidy and Jessica Forbes
URL www.ravelry.com
Commercial Yes

Is Ravelry causing seizures?

Soon after the new design went live, a user wrote: “Warning: Ravelry may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy as well as migraines.

Why is Ravelry inaccessible?

Ravelry has created an accessibility survey on their website — again, inaccessible to anybody who can’t use the site — but it asks questions about your medical conditions and saves your username, which is illegal in the EU.

How do you get free patterns from Ravelry?

Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel.

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