What is the chemical name for cdi2?

What is the chemical name for cdi2?

Cadmium iodide

PubChem CID 24635
Molecular Formula CdI2
Synonyms CADMIUM IODIDE 7790-80-9 Cadmium diiodide cadmium(2+);diiodide UNII-2F2UPU4KCW More…
Molecular Weight 366.22
Component Compounds CID 24841 (Hydriodic acid) CID 23973 (Cadmium)

What is the most appropriate name for N2O4?

Dinitrogen tetroxide | N2O4 – PubChem.

What is Be2SO4?

Be2SO4. beryllium sulfate. 9) CrF2. chromium (II) fluoride.

What is C3O5?

Mesoxalate | C3O5 | ChemSpider.

What is CuF in chemistry?

Copper fluoride (CuF)

What is the name of CrF2?

Chromium difluoride Chromium(II) fluoride
Chromium difluoride

PubChem CID 66229
Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula CrF2
Synonyms Chromium difluoride Chromium(II) fluoride Chromous fluoride CrF2 chromium(2+),difluoride More…
Molecular Weight 89.993

What compound is Mg3P2?

Magnesium phosphide
Magnesium phosphide | Mg3P2 – PubChem.

Is ag2o ionic or covalent?

Silver oxide is an ionic compound containing two silver ions and one oxygen ion. Remember that an ionic compound is a compound in which the ions stick together like they’re glued. Each silver ion donates one electron to the oxygen. Its formula is Ag2 O.

What is the name of p2o4?

Diphosphorus tetroxide, or phosphorus tetroxide is an inorganic compound of phosphorus and oxygen. It has the empirical chemical formula P 2O 4.

What is the compound name for Cu2O?

Copper (I) oxide
Copper (I) oxide

PubChem CID 10313194
Molecular Formula Cu2O
Synonyms copper(1+);oxygen(2-) Copper (I) oxide Cu2O copper(1+) oxidocopper DTXSID0034489 More…
Molecular Weight 143.09
Component Compounds CID 190217 (Oxide) CID 23978 (Copper)

What is the chemical name of N2O4?

N2O4 is also known as Dinitrogen tetroxide. This is one of the chemical compounds that is commonly used in doing chemical synthesis. This type of gas is colorless so it may be hard to detect.

What is the name of the ionic compound with formula CdI2?

Cadmium(II) Iodide CdI2 Molar Mass, Molecular Weight ENDMEMO Home Chemistry NameFormula Cadmium(II) Iodide Name: Cadmium(II) Iodide Formula: CdI2 Molar Mass: 366.2199 Example Reactions: • 2KI + Cd(NO3)2 = CdI2 + 2KNO3 • Rb2O + CdI2 = CdO + 2RbI

What is dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4)?

Denise Everettanswered Dinitrogen tetroxide (nitrogen tetroxide or nitrogen peroxide) is the chemical compound N2O4. It forms an equilibrium mixture with nitrogen dioxide; some call this mixture dinitrogen tetroxide, some call it nitrogen dioxide.

What is the formula for cadmium II iodide?

Cadmium(II) Iodide Name: Cadmium(II) Iodide Formula: CdI2 Molar Mass: 366.2199 Example Reactions: • 2KI + Cd(NO3)2 = CdI2 + 2KNO3 • Rb2O + CdI2 = CdO + 2RbI • Cd + 2HI = CdI2 + H2

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