What is non Trinitarian war?

What is non Trinitarian war?

[3] Given the American democratic tradition of “decisive victory”; the rise of nontrinitarian war (defined as war fought not by an army on behalf of a people nor directed by some form of government for one or both sides in the war); the probable spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) beyond the control of nation- …

What is trinity of war?

In Prussian theorist Carl von Clausewitz’s seminal military treatise, On War, he introduced the “paradoxical trinity.”[1] The trinity is a useful tool to conceptualize the chaos of war and has been described as the tension between three fundamental elements of war: the government, the people, and the army.

What is Clausewitz’s theory of war?

To Clausewitz, ‘War is nothing but a duel on an extensive scale… an act of violence intended to compel our opponent to fulfill our will,’ directed by political motives and morality. ( Clausewitz 1940: Book I, Ch.

What is the Clausewitz Trinity?

Clausewitz argues that war is a phe- nomenon consisting of three central elements or dominant tendencies. This triad, or trinity, is a paradoxical relationship “composed of primordial violence, hatred, and enmity . . .

What are christadelphian beliefs?

Christadelphians believe that people are separated from God because of their sins but that humankind can be reconciled to him by becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. This is by belief in the gospel, through repentance, and through baptism by total immersion in water.

What is Character war?

The character of a war or a category of wars is determined by how that violence is applied by the parties to the conflict in question. To understand this distinction, we need to go back to Carl von Clausewitz and his unfinished classic On War.

What are 3 types of war?

The three pure types of war may be called absolute war, instru- mental war, and agonistic fighting. Absolute war is unrestricted and unregulated war, agonistic fighting is regulated according to norms, and instrumental war may or may not be restricted, according to considerations of expediency.

What is the difference between Clausewitz and Jomini?

Jomini was a systems-oriented thinker who sought to derive principles that would have wide battlefield application. Conversely, Clausewitz recognized the situational nature of war and was suspicious of prescriptive maxims.

How was the Vietnam War a limited war?

The characteristics of the war were mixed– it was treated as a limited war domestically but was fought more like total war. However, the fundamental reason why the Vietnam War was a limited war was that the United States government never meant to fight it as a total war–it was not even formally declared as a war.

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