What is Category 3 fetal heart rate tracing?

What is Category 3 fetal heart rate tracing?

NICHD Category III (CIII) fetal heart rate tracing (FHR) is defined as having either sinusoidal pattern or absent baseline variability plus recurrent late decelerations, recurrent variable decelerations, or bradycardia. We sought to describe demographics and neonatal outcomes associated with CIII.

What is true category 3 tracing?

Category III tracings are predictive of abnormal fetal acid-base status at the time of observation.

What category is the fetal heart rate tracing?

Category I : Normal. The fetal heart rate tracing shows ALL of the following: Baseline FHR 110-160 BPM, moderate FHR variability, accelerations may be present or absent, no late or variable decelerations, may have early decelerations.

What is a Category 3 strip?

This feature, in addition to the tachycardia and decelerations, makes this a Category 3 fetal heart strip that requires immediate delivery via cesarean section. The fetus in this tracing also has fetal tachycardia, or an elevated heart rate of 170 -175 beats per minute over a 10 minute period of time.

What is Category 2 FHR tracing?

Selected category II FHR abnormalities. Late decelerations without loss of variability or accelerations. Fetal tachycardia. Variable decelerations without loss of variability or accelerations. Loss of variability without decelerations.

How often should NST be done?

How Often You Will Need a Nonstress Test. You might start getting weekly or twice weekly nonstress testing after 28 weeks if you have a high-risk pregnancy. (Before 28 weeks, the test isn’t accurate.) You may only need one isolated NST if the baby is not moving well.

How do you read fetal tracing?

When you’re looking at the screen, the fetal heart rate is usually on the top and the contractions at the bottom. When the machine prints out graph paper, you’ll see the fetal heart rate to the left and the contractions to the right. Sometimes it’s easier to read printouts by looking at them sideways.

What is a Category 2 fetal tracing?

The classification of Category II tracings includes the following: bradycardia with variability, tachycardia, minimal variability, no variability with no recurrent decelerations, marked variability, absence of induced accelerations even after fetal stimulation, recurrent variable decelerations with minimal or moderate …

What is a Category 2 fetal heart tracing?

What is a Category 1 fetal heart tracing?

Category I Baseline rate: 110-160 beats per minute. Baseline FHR variability: moderate. Late or variable decelrations: absent. Early decelerations: present or absent. Accelerations: present or absent.

How do you read fetal tracings?

How are contractions measured on NST?

How is an NST Performed? The test involves attaching one belt to the mother’s abdomen to measure fetal heart rate and another belt to measure contractions. Movement, heart rate and “reactivity” of heart rate to movement are measured for 20-30 minutes.

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