What is Butanding festival?

What is Butanding festival?

A festival which ushers the •Butanding” (Whaleshark) season and a thanksgiving for its blessings to the people of Donsol.

What is donsol known for?

Donsol is known primarily for whale watching. Here tourists can interact with whale sharks (butanding in local parlance) by snorkeling, diving, or by simply waiting for them in areas where they come right up to the surface. Donsol has been recognized as the “Whale Shark Capital of the World”.

When the Butanding festival in Bicol celebrate?

It is the one time in a year that the people of Bicol celebrate the economic and cultural contributions of Butanding tourism in the region. This year, the week-long festival was held from May 17 to 24, where a variety of events and activities were scattered throughout the town.

What is the English of Butanding?

In Madagascar, whale sharks are called marokintana in Malagasy, meaning “many stars”, after the appearance of the markings on the shark’s back. In the Philippines, it is called butanding and balilan.

What is Kasanggayahan Festival in Sorsogon?

The Kasanggayahan Festival is largest celebration for the whole province of Sorsogon. It commemorates the dedaralion of Sorsogon as a province. This festival is included in the Department of Tourism’s list of festivals and celebrations in the Philippines.

Where can I find butanding?

Donsol, in southeast Luzon, is the perfect place to snorkel with whale sharks, otherwise known as butanding. Each year from November to May, possibly the largest school of whale sharks in the world migrates here to feed on the dense concentration of plankton and krill in the area.

What is Tinagba festival?

Tinagba Festival is a yearly celebration in Iriga City, Camarines Sur during the month of February. In this festival, the locals bring our their best bullcarts which are managed by men and women in traditional colorful regalia.

What is the meaning of Magayon Festival?

always beautiful to look at
Magayon Festival is a month-long celebration happening every month of May in Albay Province. This festival is meant to honor Mayon Volcano’s beauty, with Magayon meaning “always beautiful to look at.”

What is butanding in Tagalog?

“Butanding” is Tagalog for whale shark—a species that transformed Donsol’s economy after a large cluster of the animals was discovered off the coast in 1998.

Is Kasanggayahan festival religious?

The Kasanggayahan Festival of Sorsogon is recognized by the Department of Tourism legitimately as one of the annual Philippine Festivals, featuring a series of cultural historical, religious, agro-industrial and economic activities showcasing Sorsogon’s abundant agricultural products and native arts and crafts.

What festival is Pantomina?

the Kasanggayahan Festival
The Pantomina sa Tinampo is one of the features of the Kasanggayahan Festival that makes it different from the other thanksgiving festivals in the country. Pantomina sa Tinampo is a native regional dance, which is the dance of the doves.

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