What is an example of trivialization?

What is an example of trivialization?

A friend trips up and falls on his face. He gets up laughing. A person in a meeting is faced with a powerful counter-argument. They trivialize it by saying that it is nothing new.

What is Trivialisation in psychology?

Trivialization is a technique for reducing dissonance in which the importance of attitudes or behavior that are inconsistent with each other is cognitively reduced.

What is Travalizing?

triv·i·al·ize To make or cause to appear trivial: tried to trivialize their criticisms.

What is the root to trivialize?

The Latin root of both trivialize and trivial is trivialis, “common, commonplace, or vulgar.” Definitions of trivialize. verb. make trivial or insignificant. “Don’t trivialize the seriousness of the issue!”

What does a pooh pooh mean?

to express contempt or impatience
Definition of pooh-pooh intransitive verb. : to express contempt or impatience. transitive verb. : to express contempt for or make light of : play down, dismiss.

Can you trivialize someone?

If you say that someone trivializes something important, you disapprove of them because they make it seem less important, serious, and complex than it is.

What means play down?

Definition of play down transitive verb. : to attach little importance to : minimize.

What is an example of pedantic?

The definition of pedantic is someone who is very concerned with the details of a subject and tends to overly show off their knowledge. An example of someone who is pedantic is a person at a party who bores everyone while talking at length about the origin and details of a particular piece of pottery.

What is an example of pedantry?

Pedantry is an excessive attention to the rules or paying strong attention to the minor points of learning. An example of pedantry is a friend standing in line for a show not letting another friend cut in line in front of them.

Is piglet a boy or a girl?

Piglet (Winnie-the-Pooh)

Created by A. A. Milne
In-universe information
Species Pig
Gender Male

Is poo pooed a slang word?

verb, slang To defecate. Used especially by or when talking to young children. Our son came running in from the playroom to tell us he needed to poo-poo. Mommy, Daddy, I poo-pooed in my bed.

What does it mean to trivialize something?

English Language Learners Definition of trivialize usually disapproving : to make (something) seem less important or serious than it actually is See the full definition for trivialize in the English Language Learners Dictionary

Is archaeology being trivialized?

In such a context, accusations of trivialization are not very helpful. But its meaning is being diminished by constant trivialization. The trivialization of phenomenology illustrates a worrying tendency of ‘instantness’ in parts of archaeology today. This is an unfortunate trivialization of scheduling.

Is phenomenology being diminished by constant trivialization?

But its meaning is being diminished by constant trivialization. The trivialization of phenomenology illustrates a worrying tendency of ‘instantness’ in parts of archaeology today. This is an unfortunate trivialization of scheduling.

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