What is 2-1-1?
See all screeners 2-1-1 connects callers, at no cost, to critical health and human services in their community. If you’re unable to find a service, please dial 2-1-1 for assistance.
How do I contact 211 for help?
211 conversations are confidential, can be made anonymously, and are available in 180 languages upon request. If you prefer to text, use web chat, or search for resources online, click here to find more ways to contact your local 211. In 2020, 211s connected more than 900K people with mental health resources.
How can 211s help you?
In 2020, 211s connected more than 900K people with mental health resources. Sometimes you may not know the exact type of treatment you need. 211 specialists are available to lend a judgment-free ear and help you talk through life’s stressors. Whenever you feel lost, you can rest assured that a call to 211 is a step in the right direction.