What does Sarah Sze do?

What does Sarah Sze do?

Sarah Sze (/ˈziː/; born 1969) is an American artist widely recognized for challenging the boundaries of painting, installation, and architecture. Sze’s sculptural practice ranges from slight gestures discovered in hidden spaces to expansive installations that scale walls and colonize architectures.

What ethnicity is Sarah Sze?

Sarah’s great-grandfather, who had a waist-length queue, was the first Chinese student to go to Cornell University. He became China’s minister to Britain and then ambassador to the United States. Her father, Chia-Ming Sze, was born in Shanghai; his family fled China when he was four, and resettled in the United States.

How old is Sarah Sze?

About 53 years (1969)Sarah Sze / Age

How does Sarah Sze make her art?

Sarah Sze is a contemporary American installation artist. Her large-scale sculptures often employs found objects, plants, photographs, wiring, and food detritus. Sze constructs her work by hand, building intricate and often gravity-defying towers that fill entire exhibition spaces.

What inspired Sarah Sze?

Inspired by the Italian Futurists and Russian Constructivists, Sze designed the work around “how we move through space.” The porcelain tiles of the artist’s designs incorporate manipulated photographs of sculptural works and the New York City landscape, as well as intimate hand drawings enlarged many times over.

What materials does Sarah Sze use?

Sarah Sze uses everyday materials such as paper cups, tape, string, and plants to create ambitious, site-specific sculptures and installations that take on the character of landscapes, architecture, constellations, and improvisational systems.

How do you pronounce Sarah Sze?

Sarah Sze (pronounced “Zee”) was born in Boston in 1969.

What materials does Sarah Sze use in her installations?

How does Sarah Sze find inspiration for her work?

How does Sarah Sze use line?

Here, she has created a series of works that consider the line between two and three-dimensional space. Using the vertical format of a hanging scroll as a starting point, the works extend from the wall and are drawn to the floor as they examine illusionary space, perspective, and the representation of landscape.

What does Sze mean in Chinese?

Sze is a Chinese surname that can be spelled in 7 different ways in Chinese: 司 [Si / Sze] Meaning: to take charge of, to manage, department (under a ministry) Dialects : Cantonese.

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