What does a blue star banner mean?

What does a blue star banner mean?

It’s an American tradition to display a Blue Star Service Banner in the window of a home when a loved one is proudly serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. As Americans support troops deployed overseas, the Blue Star Service Banner is a reminder that war touches every neighborhood.

Who can fly a blue star flag?

The blue star of the Service lapel button worn by members of the immediate family shall signify that one or more Service members are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States under the conditions specified above, for service flags.

What does a blue star pin mean?

enlisted military personnel in harm’s way
(The Blue Star flag pin is worn to represent enlisted military personnel in harm’s way. It is a symbol used by families of active duty service members serving during times of conflict. This pin design includes a white field with a red border, with a blue star for each family member on active duty.)

What would it mean if a blue star flag has 3 blue stars?

Each blue star represents one person deployed with the United States military.

What is a blue star called?

Blue supergiants are supergiant stars (class I) of spectral type O. They are extremely hot and bright, with surface temperatures of between 20,000 – 50,000 degrees Celsius. The best known example is Rigel, the brightest star in the constellation of Orion.

Who can wear a blue star pin?

Immediate family members
Anyone with a family member who is currently serving in the military during an active war can wear the Service Star Lapel Pin. The pin is made of hard-fired enamel with the color baked on over the gold tone. Immediate family members can honor their loved ones in service to the country during any military conflict.

What is a red star family?

A gold circle signified distinguished service. Gold crosses set inside a blue star signified that a family member was wounded. A red star represented a captured or missing member.

Can a blue star flag be displayed now?

The Blue Star Service Banner is an 8.5-by-14-inch white field with one or more blue stars sewn onto a red banner. The size varies but should be in proportion to the U.S. flag. Today, families display these banners when they have a loved one serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

What does a gold star service flag mean?

A Gold Star Family can display a Gold Star Service Flag for service members who were killed or died, while serving in the Armed Forces, from causes other than dishonorable. The number of gold stars on the flag corresponds to with the number of individuals who were killed or died.

What types of stars are blue?

What is a gold star flag?

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