What do you do in case of a chimney fire?

What do you do in case of a chimney fire?

It’s always best to call the fire department and evacuate your family or other house occupants. Depending on what type of fireplace you have, you can close the doors, vents, and air inlets to cut off the fire’s oxygen source (just don’t close the damper) after using your chimney fire extinguisher.

Can you just let a fire burn out in fireplace?

Heat – One way to put out a fire is to simply let it burn out on its own. It is important to note that you should never let a fire burn out on its own unattended. As the heat decreases over time from the fuel being expended, the fire will eventually go out.

Can I pour water on my fireplace?

Water should not be poured on a fireplace because it can cause messy ash, more smoke, and potentially crack the masonry. Depending on the type of wood and the heat of the flame, using water to put out a fire can also cause smoke inhalation and steam burns. Water should only be poured on a fireplace in an emergency.

Will baking soda put out a chimney fire?

After your fire is completely out, ensure there are no tiny leftover embers burning by covering the wood with a thin layer of baking soda. Baking soda contains sodium bicarbonate, which is an ingredient in many class C fire extinguishers that will completely extinguish any stray embers.

Will salt put out a chimney fire?

While salt can extinguish small fires, it should not be considered a fool-proof method to fight a chimney fire. Call the fire department as soon as you notice the chimney fire. While the salt may extinguish small chimney fires, the fire department may be needed to help with larger fires.

Can I leave the flue open overnight?

The smoke from burning wood contains carbon monoxide, so in order to prevent this toxic byproduct from entering your home, it is important to leave the flue open overnight. This enables a draft to carry the compound out into the atmosphere, instead of sinking down the chimney and saturating the room.

Does salt put out a chimney fire?

How do you make a chimney bomb?

One method to make a chimney bomb is to take a partially used dry chemical extinguishers and spray them into a 5 gallon bucket. The powder is then transferred into a garbage bag (typically a 2-lb bag). The bag is then cut (i.e. size-reduced) so that it is easy to hold.

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