What can RLV do?

What can RLV do?

NOTE: RLV (Restrained Love Viewer) is a set of permissions coded into the viewer, that allows other avatars limited control over some viewer functions. There are several approved third party viewers that allow you to enable / disable RLV.

What is RLV in Second Life?

RLV = Restrained Love Viewer, formerly Restrained Life Viewer. But Linden Lab® thought that use of the word Life in the name infringed on or put at risk their Second Life™ trademark. So, they pushed on those developing RLV and it changed.

What is a RLV relay?

What is a relay? The RLV permissions in your viewer are inactive until they are called by a scripted object you own. The relay works to “translate” calls from objects you don’t own through the relay, which you do own. It’s a handshake between these scripted objects and the RLV permissions in your viewer.

What is open collar Second Life?

OpenCollar exists to support people exploring submission and domination in Second Life and other virtual worlds. It is nonprofit and volunteer driven. The project builds, maintains, distributes and supports these scripts and the community that uses them.

How do I disable RLV?

Click on the RLVa menu. Uncheck Forbid Give to # RLV. Open your Inventory ( CTRL-I )

How do I disable RLV in Firestorm?

Click on the RLVa menu. Uncheck Forbid Give to # RLV.

What is a collar in Second Life?

A collar resembles a popular accessoire in Second Life®. It can be a “simple” piece of jewelery, often worn by neko or furry avatars, though many collars are scripted in order to allow the wearer certain features. These are especially popular within the role play community of Second Life.

How do you calculate RLV?

E.g.: If municipal valuation is Rs20,000, fair rent is Rs28,000, standard rent is Rs26,000, actual rent is Rs30,000 and unrealised rent is Rs1,000. RLV = Rs26,000. Actual rent = Rs30,000 — Rs1,000 = Rs29,000.

How do I use RLV in Firestorm?

To enable RLVa in the Firestorm Viewer, from the menu at the top of the screen, go to Avatar > Preferences > Firestorm (on the left) > General (on the top), and then check the box that reads, “Allow Remote Scripted Viewer Controls (RLVa). Finally, click on OK.

What language is LSL?

Linden Scripting Language
LSL is the Linden Scripting Language. This is the language all scripts in Second Life are written in. The structure of LSL is largely based on Java and C, both of which are widely used programming languages in the real world.

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