What are some good verses from the Book of Mormon?

What are some good verses from the Book of Mormon?

“And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” -Book of Mormon.

How do I improve my scripture study LDS?

Ideas to Improve Your Personal Scripture Study

  1. Look for Truths about Jesus Christ.
  2. Look for Inspiring Words and Phrases.
  3. Look for Gospel Truths.
  4. Listen to the Spirit.
  5. Liken the Scriptures to Your Life.
  6. Ask Questions as You Study.
  7. Use Scripture Study Helps.
  8. Record Your Thoughts and Feelings.

What is the best way to study the Book of Mormon?

10 Tips to Help You Study the Book of Mormon

  1. Begin your study with prayer.
  2. Choose a topic you’re interested in.
  3. Cross-reference with the Bible.
  4. Watch Book of Mormon videos.
  5. Read or listen to the Book of Mormon online.
  6. Journal as you go.
  7. Make your copy your own.
  8. Choose someone to study.

How do I study scripture LDS?

6 Tips for Scripture Study

  1. Pray and Seek the Spirit. Ask Heavenly Father to help you feel the Spirit as you read the scriptures.
  2. Look at Maps. Maps can help set the stage for your scripture study.
  3. Look for Lists.
  4. Look for Patterns and Repetition.
  5. Look for Commandments and Promised Blessings.
  6. Look for Personal Application.

What is peace LDS?

Many people think of peace as the absence of war. But we can feel peace even in times of war, and we can lack peace even when no war is raging. Peace comes through the gospel—through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, the ministration of the Holy Ghost, and our own righteousness, sincere repentance, and diligent service.

How many verses are in the Book of Mormon?

6,000 verses
In its more than 6,000 verses, the Book of Mormon refers to Jesus Christ almost 4,000 times and by 100 different names: “Jehovah,” “Immanuel,” “Holy Messiah,” “Lamb of God,” “Redeemer of Israel,” and so on. Both volumes of scripture are a compilation of teachings as recorded by ancient prophets.

What’s the best way to study the Bible?

S.O.A.P. Study of the Bible

  1. Scripture: Write the verse in your journal.
  2. Observation: Write down observations about the Scripture.
  3. Application: How can you apply what you observed in your life?
  4. Prayer: Write out a prayer to God based on what you just learned and ask Him to give you opportunities to live out this truth.

Where in the Bible does it say study to show yourself approved?

2nd Timothy 2:15
The Bible says “study to show thyself approved,” 2nd Timothy 2:15.

How do Mormons study?

Additionally, Mormons are encouraged to have daily personal scripture study and to study with their families. And the Church also recently relaunched its LDS.org website, which is a significant resource for Mormons and others to read religious information online.

Where in the Bible does it talk about the Book of Mormon?

Ask a student to read 2 Nephi 3:11–12. (It may be helpful to clarify that these verses are part of a prophecy by Joseph of Egypt. In these verses Joseph mentioned two books—the book written by the descendants of Joseph is the Book of Mormon, and the book written by the descendants of Judah is the Bible.)

What is the best way to study scriptures?

13 Ways to Study the Scriptures

  1. Online Resources. Listen while you work. I play recordings of the scriptures while I work in the kitchen and on my MP3 player when I go for a walk.
  2. With Music. Listen to beautiful music as you read.
  3. Study Aids. Use scriptural resources.
  4. For Variety. Read outdoors.

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