What are some examples of hypocrisy in To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 24?

What are some examples of hypocrisy in To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 24?

To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 24. Mrs. Merriweather brands Northerners hypocrites because they freed slaves, and yet don’t want to sit with them. She particularly singles out First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt for her visit to Birmingham in support of equal rights for blacks.

What are some examples of hypocrisy in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Some examples of hypocrisy and hypocrites in the book are Aunt Alexandra, Miss Gates, and Mrs. Merriweather. To begin, Aunt Alexandra is one of the many voices of hypocrisy in the book. Aunt Alexandra is a symbol of old southern charm and what woman were supposed to act like in the 1930s.

What is a quote from Chapter 24 To Kill a Mockingbird?

“’The man had to have some kind of comeback, his kind always does. So if spitting in my face and threatening me saved Mayella Ewell one extra beating, that’s something I’ll gladly take. He had to take it out on somebody and I’d rather it be me than that houseful of children out there. You understand?

What is Chapter 24 of To Kill a Mockingbird about?

Summary: Chapter 24 Scout listens to the missionary circle first discuss the plight of the poor Mrunas, a benighted African tribe being converted to Christianity, and then talk about how their own black servants have behaved badly ever since Tom Robinson’s trial. Miss Maudie shuts up their prattle with icy remarks.

What is one example of hypocrisy that Scout witnesses?

A hypocritical person that Scout has witnessed is, of course, the famous antagonist. Bob Ewell is a racist drunkard and uneducated individual who beat his kids but he says he was better than a hard working, family-oriented individual with morals (237).

Why is Aunt Alexandra upset at the end of Chapter 24?

Aunt Alexandra is mad at the town that puts the responsibility of doing the right thing on Atticus’s because they’re too scared to do it themselves.

Why did judge Taylor give the case to Atticus?

The judge deliberately gave the case to Atticus so that Tom would receive the best defense possible. This illustrates that the judge doesn’t hold the racist view that are prevalent in Maycomb.

When it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s?

In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always wins. They’re ugly, but those are the facts of life.” “Doesn’t make it right,” said Jem stolidly.

Who defends Atticus in Chapter 24 and why how is it done?

In the kitchen, Atticus asks Calpurnia to accompany him to give the news to Tom’s wife, Helen. Aunt Alexandra is almost apologetic for Atticus, but Miss Maudie takes her to task, defending him.

Is Atticus a hypocrite?

Atticus is not a hypocrite and he is the same man in public and in private: “Atticus don’t ever do anything to Jem and me in the house that he don’t do in the yard”, I said, feeling it my duty to defend my parent. Miss Maudie: “Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public street”.

Is Miss Gates a hypocrite?

Scout finds Miss Gates to be a hypocrite because she says Hitler is wrong to kill the Jews, but she is heard saying that Tom should be killed to “teach ’em a lesson”. She opposes the killing of whites, but condones the killing of blacks.

How does hypocrisy relate to TKAM?

How is there a lot of hypocrisy in to kill a Mockingbird?

By being in narration of Scout throughout the novel we learn the amount of hypocrisy that goes on in Maycomb. Maycomb is filled with hypocrisy because of their society and their actions. To begin with , Mrs. Gates explains that all that Hitler did to Jews was terrible because it showed prejudice but yet she was doing the exact same to Tom Robinson.

What happens in to kill a Mockingbird chapter 24?

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 24 Summary & Analysis. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in To Kill a Mockingbird, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. One Saturday, Aunt Alexandra invites company, and tells Scout to help Calpurnia serve.

How does Mrs Gates show hypocrisy in this passage?

Mrs. Gates believes that it is okay to kill an innocent black man but it’s not okay to kill innocent Jews because of religion. This shows hypocrisy because she is basically doing the same thing as Hitler was doing, but she still believes it’s okay for her to do because of their race.

What does Miss Caroline say in to kill a Mockingbird chapter 2?

To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 2. Scout’s first grade teacher Miss Caroline shows her prejudice towards her pupil when she makes Scout feel bad about being able to read. “Now you tell your father not to teach you any more”, she says. This is small-minded and hypocritical for an educator. Scout should be proud of her ability at such a young age.

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