What are 2 unstable isotopes of polonium?

What are 2 unstable isotopes of polonium?

Isotopes of polonium

abundance half-life (t1/2)
208Po syn 2.898 y
209Po syn 125.2 y
210Po trace 138.376 d

Is polonium-210 an isotope?

Polonium-210 is one of 25 known radioactive isotopes of polonium. Purified polonium is very volatile, and polonium isotopes are radioactive. The most common and best-known polonium isotope is polonium-210. This material is highly dangerous, but it has a relatively short half-life.

Is polonium-210 soluble in water?

Polonium is a radioactive, extremely rare semi-metal. It is reactive, silvery-gray, it dissolves in dilute acids, but it is only slightly soluble in alkalis.

What are the isotopes of polonium?

Polonium ( Po) has 25 known isotopes, all of which are radioactive. They have atomic masses that range from 194u to 218u. 210 Po is the most widely available. 209 Po (half-life 103 years) and 208 Po (half-life 2.9 years) can be made through the alpha, proton, or deuteron bombardment of lead or bismuth in a cyclotron.

What is polonium-210?

Polonium-210 (Po-210) is a radioactive material that occurs naturally in the earth’s crust at very low levels. Po-210 is a product of the radioactive decay of uranium-238, which decays to radon-222 and then to polonium. Polonium 210 has a half-life of 138 days.

What is the longest lasting isotope of a radioactive element?

Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have determined* that polonium-209, the longest-lived isotope of this radioactive heavy element, has a half-life about 25 percent longer than the previously determined value, which had been in use for decades.

How did NIST determine the half-life of a radioactive decay product?

According to research chemist Ron Collé, the half-life determination was possible because of NIST’s ability to perform decay measurements over a period of 20 years.

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