How does Tocsy NMR work?

How does Tocsy NMR work?

TOCSY (Total Correlation Spectroscopy) creates correlations between all protons within a given spin system, not just between geminal or vicinal protons as in COSY. Correlations are seen between distant protons as long as there are couplings between every intervening proton.

What is the difference between COSY and NOESY?

For example, the presence of a cross peak (a correlation off the diagonal) on a COSY dataset is a result of nuclei coupling through a bond(s) whereas a NOESY dataset measures NOE’s (Nuclear Overhauser Effect) through space regardless of the number of bonds separating the nuclei.

What information is available from the Tocsy experiment?

The total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY) experiment allows the generation of cross peaks between virtually all spins in the same spin system. A spin system is a group of spins that couples to one or more other members of the group.

What information is available from the Tocsy experiment *?

How do you read HSQC-Tocsy?

To interpret the HSQC-TOCSY spectrum, one should start with the direct correlation HSQC peaks. For example, in the HSQC the 1 (anomeric) proton and carbon are at 5.42 ppm and 92 ppm, respectively. TOCSY then transfers proton signal to coupled protons such as the 2, 3, 4, and 5 protons.

How do you read HSQC Tocsy?

What is HSQC-Tocsy?

An HSQC-TOCSY experiment stands for Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence-Total Correlation Spectroscopy and other variants include HMQC-TOCSY, HSQC-COSY, etc. Depending on the mixing time, the hybrid experiment generally offers information on both short-range and long-range coupled nuclei.

What is HSQC NMR?

The HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence) experiment is used to determine proton-carbon single bond correlations, where the protons lie along the observed F2 (X) axis and the carbons are along the F1 (Y) axis. An edited HSQC spectrum of sucrose at 500 MHz is shown below.

How do you read Hsqc Tocsy?

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