How does GridWorld work?

How does GridWorld work?

GridWorld is a graphical environment for helping students visualize the behavior of objects. Students implement the behavior of actors, add actor instances to the grid, and see whether the actual behavior conforms to their expecations.

What is the GridWorld case study?

The GridWorld Case Study provides a graphical environment where visual objects inhabit and interact in a two-dimensional grid. In this case study, you will design and create “actor” objects, add them to a grid, and determine whether the actors behave according to their specifications.

How do I run GridWorld?

  1. Unpack the ZIP file. Download and unpack the file.
  2. Check your Java installation. The GridWorld case study uses Java 5, so you must have this or a more recent version of Java installed before you work with the case study.
  3. Install the JAR file.
  4. Run the sample code.

Is GridWorld on the AP Computer Science A exam?

The GridWorld case study is a required element of the AP Computer Science curriculum and constitutes a significant part of the AP Computer Science Examination.

Does the bug always move to a new location explain?

Does the bug always move to a new location? Explain. No. A bug will only move to the location in front of it if the cell exists and is empty or if there is a flower in the cell.

What is a GridWorld environment?

A grid world is a two-dimensional, cell-based environment where the agent starts from one cell and moves toward the terminal cell while collecting as much reward as possible.

How does a bug act if there is a flower directly in front of it in the grid?

If a bug is facing the grid edge and it is told to move, it will remove itself from the grid and a flower will replace the bug in that location. 6. What happens when a bug has a rock in the location immediately in front of it? The bug turns 45 degrees to the right.

Should subclasses of critter override the getActors method explain?

Should subclasses of Critter override the getActors method? Explain. Yes—if the new critter subclass selects its actors from different locations than Critter class does, it will need to override this method.

What is Q value iteration?

Value iteration is an iterative algorithm that uses the bellman equation to compute the optimal MDP policy and its value. Q-learning, and its deep-learning substitute, is a model-free RL algorithm that learns the optimal MDP policy using Q-values which estimate the “value” of taking an action at a given state.

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