How do you write a feature article for a magazine?

How do you write a feature article for a magazine?

Steps to Writing Feature Articles

  1. The Headline. The headline or title of the article should grab the readers’ attention quickly so they’ll keep reading.
  2. The Deck.
  3. The Introduction.
  4. The Body.
  5. The Conclusion.
  6. Be Conversational.
  7. Don’t Be Afraid of Opinions.
  8. Remember You’re Still a Reporter.

What are some examples of feature articles?

What is a feature story? A feature story is a piece of longform non-fiction content that covers a single topic in detail. Examples of feature stories include news features, in-depth profiles, human interest stories, science communication, data storytelling, and more.

How do you write a feature article example?

A feature article should,

  1. Explore a topic or issue of current importance.
  2. Follows narratorial conventions (i.e. There is a plot, complication, and conclusion)
  3. Written in short paragraphs.
  4. Combine facts and opinions.
  5. Provide a perspective or angle about the topic or issue.
  6. Includes catchy features (eg.

What features are in a magazine?

Cover pages. Front-of-book content, which may include columns (including an editorial), letters to the editor, news, quick-hit trend pieces and publisher-focused content. The feature well, typically two to five long-form articles that are more extensively reported and more creatively designed.

What is the format of a magazine article?

The basic format for citing a magazine article is similar to the journal format. Required information includes author’s name, article title, name of the magazine, date of issue, and inclusive page numbers. Some magazines may include volume numbers.

What is an example of a feature?

The definition of a feature is a part of the face, a quality, a special attraction, article or a major film showing in the theatre. An example of feature is a nose. An example of feature is freckles. An example of feature is a guest speaker at an event.

What does a feature story look like?

A feature article is a news story that goes beyond the facts to weave in a narrative and tell a compelling story. A feature article differs from a hard news story as it offers an in-depth look at a particular subject, current event, or location to audiences.

How do you write a good feature article?

5 Tips for Writing a Captivating Feature Article

  1. Do your research. Feature stories need more than straight facts and sensory details—they need evidence.
  2. Have a compelling headline.
  3. Open with intrigue.
  4. Connect the dots.
  5. Make sure it pays off.

How do you start a feature article?

Five tips on how to write a feature article:

  1. 1) Find the right market. A good writer begins by finding the right audience for their work before developing the content.
  2. 2) Develop a strong angle.
  3. 3) Keep it factual.
  4. 4) Provide added value.
  5. 5) Edit your work.

How do you write a magazine article for beginners?

6 Tips for Writing for Magazines

  1. Target your pitches carefully.
  2. Become a specialist.
  3. Do more research than you think you need.
  4. Consider the magazine’s target audience.
  5. Keep track of personnel changes among magazines.
  6. Be flexible.

How do I make a magazine layout?

Set up a magazine layout in InDesign, and apply a grid, columns, and margins. Place an image into your magazine layout design. Format body text and headers to a high standard. Apply sophisticated typographic techniques to your magazine layout design, including optical margin alignment.

What are the types of feature articles?


  • Introduction.
  • Materials and methods.
  • Results.
  • Discussion.
  • Acknowledgements.
  • Author information.
  • Ethics declarations.
  • Additional information.
  • Rights and permissions.
  • How to write a feature article for a magazine?

    Steps to Writing Feature Articles. Like most articles,a feature story follows a specific format and outline.

  • Useful Feature-Writing Tips. The leeway an author is given in the style of a feature article is much greater than in other types of news writing.
  • Types of Feature Articles.
  • Feature the Finest.
  • What is a good feature article?

    – Good Housekeeping is a trusted source on everything to million of women – Magazine provided their readers with information about sex aids in early 2000s – Lindsay Nicholson who edited for 18 years, is delighted with record sales figures

    What makes a good magazine article?

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