How do you wait for an animation to finish Unity?

How do you wait for an animation to finish Unity?

How to wait for an animation to finish?

  1. Add an Animation Event to your last key frame.
  2. In Update you can continuously check if the animation has completed.
  3. Start a coroutine that yields and waits for the animation to complete.
  4. Use StateMachineBehaviour.

How do you call a function at the end of an animation in Unity?

The easiest would be to set an animation event on the end of your FadeOut animation. That will call a method when that point is reached….Call a function on completion of an animation state

  1. public void Test2(){
  2. animator. SetTrigger(“FadeOut”);
  3. //the general idea:
  4. //if(onComplete == true){ callFunction} ;
  5. }

How do I know if animation is finished in Unity?

just send your animation name in CurrentAnimation you want to check.

  1. public IEnumerator CheckAnimationCompleted(string CurrentAnim, Action Oncomplete)
  2. while (!Animator. GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0). IsName(CurrentAnim))
  3. yield return null;
  4. if (Oncomplete != null)
  5. Oncomplete();
  6. }

How do I delete an animation event in unity?

To delete an Event, select it and press the Delete key, or right-click on it and select Delete Event.

How do you add an animation event in unity?

To add an Animation Event to a clip at the current playhead position, click the Event button. To add an Animation event to any point in the Animation, double-click the Event line at the point where you want the Event to be triggered. Once added, you can drag the mouse to reposition the Event.

How do I stop animator in unity?

To stop an animator from playing the animation, simply, disable the animator component using this code: myAnimation. gameObject. GetComponent().

How do you wait 3 seconds in Assassin’s Creed Unity?

Wait 3 seconds to perform next order

  1. function Start ()
  2. {
  3. transform. Rotate (90, 0, 0);
  4. yield WaitForSeconds (3.0);
  5. transform. Translate (1, 0, 0);
  6. }

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