How do you wait for an animation to finish Unity?
How to wait for an animation to finish?
- Add an Animation Event to your last key frame.
- In Update you can continuously check if the animation has completed.
- Start a coroutine that yields and waits for the animation to complete.
- Use StateMachineBehaviour.
How do you call a function at the end of an animation in Unity?
The easiest would be to set an animation event on the end of your FadeOut animation. That will call a method when that point is reached….Call a function on completion of an animation state
- public void Test2(){
- animator. SetTrigger(“FadeOut”);
- //the general idea:
- //if(onComplete == true){ callFunction} ;
- }
How do I know if animation is finished in Unity?
just send your animation name in CurrentAnimation you want to check.
- public IEnumerator CheckAnimationCompleted(string CurrentAnim, Action Oncomplete)
- while (!Animator. GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0). IsName(CurrentAnim))
- yield return null;
- if (Oncomplete != null)
- Oncomplete();
- }
How do I delete an animation event in unity?
To delete an Event, select it and press the Delete key, or right-click on it and select Delete Event.
How do you add an animation event in unity?
To add an Animation Event to a clip at the current playhead position, click the Event button. To add an Animation event to any point in the Animation, double-click the Event line at the point where you want the Event to be triggered. Once added, you can drag the mouse to reposition the Event.
How do I stop animator in unity?
To stop an animator from playing the animation, simply, disable the animator component using this code: myAnimation. gameObject. GetComponent().
How do you wait 3 seconds in Assassin’s Creed Unity?
Wait 3 seconds to perform next order
- function Start ()
- {
- transform. Rotate (90, 0, 0);
- yield WaitForSeconds (3.0);
- transform. Translate (1, 0, 0);
- }