How do you fix SignTool error no certificates were found that met all the given criteria?

How do you fix SignTool error no certificates were found that met all the given criteria?

this is what I did:

  1. Install the downloaded certificate (.
  2. Run certmgr.msc and export the certificate (found in whichever store you used in the 1st step) as a pfx file including private key and extended properties.
  3. Use the exported .pfx file when signing your project.

How do I download SignTool EXE?

SignTool is available as part of the Windows SDK, which you can download from

How do I create a self signed code signing certificate?

How to Create Signing Certificate for Windows

  1. Buy a code signing certificate from a respected certificate authority (CA)
  2. Login to your account on the CA website.
  3. Generate a certificate signing request (CSR)
  4. Enter details including common name, email address, and public key to generate CSR.
  5. Click Submit button.

What happens when my code signing certificate expires?

When a code signing certificate expires, unless you choose to timestamp your code, it means that any software or applications that have code signed by the certificate are no longer trusted by Microsoft SmartScreen, Google Safe Browsing, and antivirus programs.

How do I use Microsoft Signtool?


  1. Step 1: Determine the hash algorithm to use. When you sign the app package, you must use the same hash algorithm that you used when you created the app package.
  2. Step 2: Run SignTool.exe to sign the package. To sign the package with a signing certificate from a .pfx file.

How do I validate an exe signature?

Check the signature on an EXE or MSI file

  1. Right-click the EXE or MSI file and select Properties.
  2. Click the Digital Signatures tab to check the signature.

How do I generate a code certificate?

Below Are the Steps for Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

  1. Now, login to the website you purchased a code signing certificate from.
  2. Now locate the details of the certificate and click on the button: Generate Certificate.
  3. Enter all the required information.
  4. Click on the Submit button.

How do I test a code signing certificate?

How to Verify Your Code Signing Certificate Is Installed

  1. In Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options.
  2. In the Internet Options window, on the Content tab, click Certificates.
  3. In the Certificates window, on the Personal tab, double-click the code signing certificate that you just installed.

How many times can you use a code signing certificate?

Code Signing certificates are valid for 1 to 3 years depending on which life cycle you choose when you purchase the certificate. See: pricing information. You should also timestamp your signed code to avoid your code expiring when your certificate expires.

How do I update code signing certificate?

Renew a Code Signing certificate

  1. STEP 1: Generate a new CSR (optional)
  2. STEP 2: Sign into your account.
  3. STEP 3: Fill out the renewal form.
  4. STEP 4: DigiCert issues the code signing certificate.
  5. STEP 5: Install your renewed certificate.

What is Signtool exe?

What is signtool.exe? signtool.exe is a legitimate process file of Authenticode (R) – a signing and verifying tool. It is a part of Windows Operating System developed by Microsoft Corporation.

What is Osslsigncode?

osslsigncode is a small tool that implements part of the functionality of the Microsoft tool signtool.exe – more exactly the Authenticode signing and timestamping. But osslsigncode is based on OpenSSL and cURL, and thus should be able to compile on most platforms where these exist.

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