How do I untar a file in AIX?

How do I untar a file in AIX?


  1. Copy the gzipped image to a temporary location.
  2. Change to the directory where you copied the image.
  3. Enter the following command to extract the file: gunzip -c filename .tar.gz | tar -xvf – where filename is the fix pack you are installing. Note: gunzip is part of the AIX 5L default installation setup.

How do I untar a tar file?


  1. Type at the command prompt tar xzf file.tar.gz- to uncompress a gzip tar file (.tgz or .tar.gz) tar xjf file. tar. bz2 – to uncompress a bzip2 tar file (. tbz or . tar. bz2) to extract the contents.
  2. The files will be extracted in the current folder (most of the times in a folder with the name ‘file-1.0’).

How do I uncompress a tar Z file in AIX?

  1. .Z or .tar.Z. To extract .Z or .tar.Z files, at the shell prompt, enter: uncompress filename.Z.
  2. z or . gz.
  3. bz2. Files ending in .bz2 have been compressed with bzip2 .
  4. zip. Files created by zip can normally be decoded by programs such as WinZip and StuffIt Expander.
  5. tar.
  6. tgz.

Can you unzip tar files?

Since TAR files are simply archives, they need to be compressed by another utility, such as gzip, to reduce their size. The TAR format is often used for open source software distribution. Tar unzip software like WinZip is needed to unpack a tar file.

How do you install unzip on AIX?

2. Rpm

  1. Download unzip RPM. First of all, we need to download unzip RPM from AIX toolbox to server.
  2. Install unzip RPM. Then use rpm to install unzip. In this case, the package I got is unzip-6.0-3. aix6. ppc. rpm.
  3. Check unzip Utility. # which unzip. /usr/bin/unzip. # rpm -q unzip. unzip-6.0-3.ppc.

How do you fix tar Exiting with failure status due to previous errors?

To solve the problem, simply adjust the permission of the problematic file (or remove it), and re-run tar .

How do I uncompress a gz file?

Use the following method to decompress gzip files from the command line:

  1. Use SSH to connect to your server.
  2. Enter one of the following: gunzip file. gz. gzip -d file. gz.
  3. To see the decompressed file, enter: ls -1.

How do I uncompress a file?

Unzip your files

  1. On your Android device, open Files by Google .
  2. On the bottom, tap Browse .
  3. Navigate to the folder that contains a . zip file you want to unzip.
  4. Select the . zip file.
  5. A pop up appears showing the content of that file.
  6. Tap Extract.
  7. You’re shown a preview of the extracted files.
  8. Tap Done.

How do I export tar?

Syntax For Tar Command To Extract Tar Files To a Different Directory

  1. x : Extract files.
  2. f : Tar archive name.
  3. –directory : Set directory name to extract files.
  4. -C : Set dir name to extract files.
  5. -z : Work on . tar.
  6. -j : Work on . tar.
  7. -J (capital J ) : Work on . tar.
  8. -v : Verbose output i.e. show progress on screen.

How do I unzip a tar file in Windows?

How to open TAR files

  1. Download and save the TAR file to your computer.
  2. Launch WinZip and open the compressed file by clicking File > Open.
  3. Select all of the files in the compressed folder or select only the files you want to extract by holding the CTRL key and left-clicking on them.

How to UNTAR file in Aix?

RE: Steps to untar file in aix 5.2. Ken is more correct. Before doing untar, see the contents of the file by “tar -tvf” and then you can extract by “tar -xvf” option. You can also selcetively restore a file from that tar file. The desired file will be restored.

How to open or UNTAR a tar file in Linux?

How to open or Untar a “tar” file in Linux or Unix: 1 From the terminal, change to the directory where yourfile.tar has been downloaded. 2 Type tar -xvf yourfile.tar to extract the file to the current directory. 3 Or tar -C /myfolder -xvf yourfile.tar to extract to another directory.

How to open tar gz file in Linux?

How to open or Untar a “tar.gz” file in Linux or Unix. Open a terminal window ctrl+alt+t. From the terminal, change directory to where your .tar.gz file is located, (replacing file_name.tar.gz with the actual name of your file) cd To extract the contents of the tar.gz file to the current

How to extract contents of a tar file?

Ken is more correct. Before doing untar, see the contents of the file by “tar -tvf” and then you can extract by “tar -xvf” option. You can also selcetively restore a file from that tar file.

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