How do I find the size of a DB2 database?

How do I find the size of a DB2 database?

The database size is calculated as follows: dbsize = sum (used_pages * page_size) for each table space (SMS & DMS). An output parameter of type BIGINT that returns the database capacity (in bytes).

Is UDB same as DB2?

To specifically refer to database servers, “UDB” needs to be added to the name, as in DB2 UDB . In most books and documents, including this one, the terms “DB2” and “DB2 UDB” are used interchangeably.

How do I find my DB2 UDB version?

Run db2level command if you want to check DB2 version. e.g.:V11. 5 GA C:\>db2level DB21085I This instance or install (instance name, where applicable: “DB2”) uses “64” bits and DB2 code release “SQL11050” with level identifier “0601010F”.

What is UDB data?

DB2 Universal Database (UDB) is an object-oriented relational database management system (OORDBMS) characterised by multimedia support, content-based queries and an extensible architecture. It is a Web-enabled relational database management system that supports data warehousing and transaction processing.

What is the difference between DB2 and mainframe?

DB2 is the DataBase Management System. VSAM files can only access in the mainframe environment. DB2 is accessed by multiple languages from different platforms, including Windows, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Unix, AIX, Linux, AS/400, and OS/390. Changing the VSAM file structure is complex once defined.

Where is db2ls?

The db2ls command can be found both in the installation media and in a Db2 install copy on the system. The db2ls command can be run from either location. The db2ls command can be run from the installation media for all products except IBM® Data Server Driver Package.

What is the latest version of Db2 LUW?

On 12 April 2016, IBM announced DB2 LUW 11.1, and in June 2016, it was released. In mid-2017, IBM re-branded its DB2 and dashDB product offerings and amended their names to “Db2”. On June 27, 2019, IBM released Db2 11.5, the AI Database.

What is .LRG file?

The . LRG files are the actual tablespace containers for the databases. In other words, the files contain data. Therefore, those files cannot be deleted. If the disk has reached its maximum capacity, it’s suggested that look at other files to delete or remove some data from the FileNet object stores (if possible).

What does the Db2 precompiler do?

The Db2 precompiler scans a program and copies all of the SQL statements and host variable information into a DBRM (database request module). The precompiler also returns source code that has been modified so that the SQL statements do not cause errors when you compile the program.

How do I find the size of a Db2 database?

How do I find the size of a Db2 database?

The database size is calculated as follows: dbsize = sum (used_pages * page_size) for each table space (SMS & DMS). An output parameter of type BIGINT that returns the database capacity (in bytes).

What is extent size in Db2?

In a Db2 pureScale® environment, you should use an extent size of at least the default (32 pages). This minimum extent size reduces the amount of internal message traffic within the Db2 pureScale environment when extents are added for a table or index.

What is scale in Db2?

Introduction to Db2 decimal type p is the precision which is the maximum number of decimal digits including both whole part and fractional part. e.g., 12.345 has a maximum precision of 5. s is called scale which is the number of decimal digits in the fractional part e.g., for the number 12.345, s is 3.

What is the maximum size of a varchar data type in Db2?

String Length Limits

Item Limit
Max length of CHAR 255 bytes
Max length of GRAPHIC 127 DBCS characters
Max length of BINARY 255 bytes
Max length of VARCHAR 4046 bytes for 4-KB pages 8128 bytes for 8-KB pages 16320 bytes for 16-KB pages 32704 bytes for 32-KB pages

What is LRG file in DB2?

Answer: The LRG file is large tablespace container. To decrease the size of file : delete the data in the table , commit an offline REORG using the LONGLOBDATA option. An Inplace REORG will not work.

How do I find the size of a DB2 database in Linux?

How to calculate the size of a DB2 database

  1. Connect to the database for which you want to know the size and maximum capacity.
  2. Execute the procedure GET_DBSIZE_INFO.
  3. Close the connection.

What is the size of an extent?

An extent is a block of storage within a table space container. It represents the number of pages of data that will be written to a container before writing to the next container. When you create a table space, you can choose the extent size based on your requirements for performance and storage management.

What are extents in a tablespace?

An extent is a logical unit of database storage space allocation made up of a number of contiguous data blocks. One or more extents in turn make up a segment. When the existing space in a segment is completely used, Oracle allocates a new extent for the segment.

What is float in DB2?

The FLOAT function returns a floating-point representation of either a number or a string representation of a number.

What is timestamp in DB2?

TIMESTAMP. A timestamp is a seven-part value representing a date and time by year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and microsecond, in the range of 0001-01-01-00.00. 00.000000000 to 9999-12-31-24.00. 00.000000000 with nanosecond precision. Timestamps can also hold timezone information.

What is CLOB in Db2?

CLOB : Variable-length character large object string that can be up to 2GB (2,147,483,647) long. A CLOB can store single-byte character strings or multibyte, character-based data. A CLOB is considered a character string.

What is maximum size of table space in Db2?

In Version 9.7, the maximum size of large and temporary table spaces has been raised to 64 TB….Table space capacity for large and temporary table spaces has increased.

Page size Version 9.5 table space limit Version 9.7 table space limit
8 KB 4 TB 16 TB

What is the use of row width in DB2?

The row width can be used to estimate table size, and also to pick a tablespace with the correct page size. DB2 is more strict about a row fitting on a page. For general purposes, a DB2 table must be in a tablespace where any row, minus LOBs fits on a single page.

What is row_number () in DB2?

What is ROW_NUMBER ()? IBM DB2 provides a number of flexible and powerful functions that save the effort of manually iterating through data or performing other menial tasks when running queries. This group of functions are known as online analytical processing or OLAP functions.

How does DB2 count the number of rows in a partition?

Due to this partitioning, DB2 counts up each ROW_NUMBER () in a given partition as expected, but as soon as a new partition begins, the ROW_NUMBER () is reset back to 1 and the counting begins anew.

What is the precision of a datatype in DB2?

For example, if a column is defined as DECIMAL (10,2), and NOT NULL is not part of the column definition, the precision part of this definition is 10, and using the table, that would be (10/2)+2 or 7: There are three date/time data types in DB2. The most frequently used is timestamp, but date and time types are also available.

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