Does LANAP cure gum disease?

Does LANAP cure gum disease?

Luckily, there’s a quick and easy cure for gum disease known as the Laser-assisted new attachment procedure (LANAP). With LANAP, you can visit your dentist or periodontist, receive treatment, and get back to your life with virtually no interruption to your daily routine.

Do gums grow back after LANAP?

LANAP surgery stands for Laser-assisted New Attachment Procedure. It treats periodontitis by actually regenerating tissue. Yes, you heard right. The gums will actually grow back with this procedure.

Is laser treatment for gums worth it?

The American Dental Association has not yet approved the use of lasers for treating gum disease, but there’s a small body of evidence indicating that laser gum surgery is safe and effective for treating many dental conditions, including gum disease.

Do teeth move after LANAP?

CONTINUING FOLLOW UP CARE As the gums heal, the teeth will shift and your bite will need to be adjusted several times over the first few weeks, even for the first year & beyond. Although it seems counter-intuitive, inadequate adjustment is what is usually responsible for soreness or sensitivity following LANAP.

How long does it take for gums to heal after LANAP?

You may also resume normal teeth brushing at this time, but it is still advised to be proceed carefully and gently. The amount of time it takes to heal after laser gum surgery depends on the severity of the disease. Generally, healing in the surface area takes 2 to 4 weeks to completely heal.

When can I brush my teeth after LANAP?

Try to keep your mouth as clean as possible in order to help the healing process. You may brush and floss in areas of your mouth that we DID NOT do surgery. DO NOT BRUSH AND FLOSS THE SURGICAL AREA FOR 2 WEEKS AFTER THE LAST SURGICAL VISIT! Only RINSE!

Is LANAP safe?

LANAP is a safe and viable option for most victims of periodontal disease, including those who are pregnant, have diabetes, or have other complicating factors.

Is LANAP better than osseous surgery?

Our dentists prefer LANAP over osseous surgery in severe periodontal cases, because of the improved recovery and healing, and fewer after-surgery side effects like swelling and pain.

Does LANAP work for gum disease?

There’s also good news on the long-term success of LANAP for gum disease. Patients who have LANAP done show less recurrence of their periodontal disease over time compared to patients who are treated with traditional methods like osseous surgery.

How much does LANAP laser gum surgery cost?

LANAP is the same as laser gum treatment and costs anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000. If you need LANAP for medical reasons, it’s likely to be partially covered by your insurance. Is laser gum surgery worth it? If you are eligible and you have gum disease, laser gum surgery is likely worth it for you.

What are the benefits of LANAP procedure?

Studies on LANAP procedure show positive results, such as less tooth loss after laser surgery, as compared to traditional surgery. It also has been shown to increase new tissue attachments between gum and bone after treatment, and aid in gum regeneration for periodontal patients.

Is LANAP better than traditional dental surgery?

Both the removal of diseased tissues and the restoration of healthy tissue are done with less trauma to the gums and a better path toward healing. Studies on LANAP procedure show positive results, such as less tooth loss after laser surgery, as compared to traditional surgery.

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