Why is it good to know your audience?

Why is it good to know your audience? Why is it important to know your audience? Knowing your audience helps you figure out what content and messages people care about. Once you have an idea of what to say, knowing your audience also tells you the appropriate tone and voice for your message. How do […]

Why do eyes shake when drunk?

Why do eyes shake when drunk? These hinder the brain’s ability to properly control the eye muscles. The presence of such alcohol or drugs in the body’s system results in jerking or bouncing movements in the eyeball. The higher a person’s blood alcohol content level, the more obvious the nystagmus becomes. What is nystagmus a […]

Can you code questionable diagnosis?

Can you code questionable diagnosis? Do not code diagnoses documented as “probable,” “suspected,” “questionable,” “rule out,” or “working diagnosis,” or other similar terms indicating uncertainty. Can consistent with be coded? Do not code diagnoses documented as “probable”, “suspected,” “questionable,” “rule out,” “compatible with,” “consistent with,” or “working diagnosis” or other similar terms indicating uncertainty. Can […]

Can animals make their own food like plants?

Can animals make their own food like plants? Animals and humans are heterotrophic organisms, unable to produce their own food, thus they depend on organic sources to provide it. Plants, on the other hand, are autotrophic organisms that are able to produce food out of inorganic matter. How can you say that plant cells are […]

How do you know if someone is manipulating you?

How do you know if someone is manipulating you? You feel fear, obligation and guilt “When you are being manipulated by someone you are being psychologically coerced into doing something you probably don’t really want to do,” she says. You might feel scared to do it, obligated to do it, or guilty about not doing […]

Is Dumbledore a hero or a villain?

Is Dumbledore a hero or a villain? Dumbledore is definitely a hero in the books, and the difficult decisions he has made with regards to Snape and Harry are all vindicated in the end, but the reader and many characters are left feeling that he should have found a more humane way to defeat Voldemort. […]

How do you beat wake it up?

How do you beat wake it up? 16 Ways to Wake Yourself Up Naturally Avoid Hitting the Snooze Button. A few extra minutes of sleep can be appealing, but resisting the temptation will make it easier to get up. Expose Yourself to Bright Light. Make the Bed. Drink a Glass of Orange Juice. Enjoy a […]

Should not we or should we not?

Should not we or should we not? — Correct, we should not. In three out of four of these cases should is being used to express obligation or what is the correct action. Should we not. is the only case where the meaning is shifting to the conditional sense of the word should. Could would […]

What is a small printing size?

What is a small printing size? Popular paper sizes and printing formats: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 Paper Size Width x Height (mm) A0 841mm X 1189mm A1 594mm X 841mm A2 420mm X 594mm A3 297mm X 420mm Which is the best image resizer? The importance of image resizing Best […]

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