What is biofuel double counting?

What is biofuel double counting?

Feedstocks in Annex IX (both Part A and Part B) are eligible for double-counting. This means that the claim for biofuel from the feedstocks mentioned there results in the crediting of twice the number of HBEs. This is an additional stimulus for delivering and claiming delivery of biofuel from waste and residue flows.

What is Dutch double counting?

The objective of the ministerial scheme ‘Double counting biofuels’ is to promote the use of more sustainable biofuels. Businesses that demonstrate that they use double-counted biofuels can use this for the Dutch Regulation energy transport. This enables you to meet the annual obligation with half as much biofuel.

What are biofuel tickets?

Germany’s so-called tickets are tradeable greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction certificates that road fuel blenders receive for each tonne of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) saved when incorporating more biofuels into gasoline and diesel than needed to meet GHG savings targets.

Is HVO advanced biofuel?

In 2011, the Advanced Biofuels Tracking Database listed 130 advanced biofuels production facilities, with a combined annual production capacity of ~700 million gallons in 2011, the largest part of which is HVO (572 million gallons in 2011).

Who uses bio fuel?

Biofuel can be used to generate power in backup systems where emission matters most. This includes facilities such as schools, hospitals and other forms located in residential areas. In fact, the largest market for biofuel to turn into energy generation for over 350,000 homes from landfill gas in the United Kingdom.

What are biofuels examples?

Examples of biofuels include ethanol (often made from corn in the United States and sugarcane in Brazil), biodiesel (sourced from vegetable oils and liquid animal fats), green diesel (derived from algae and other plant sources), and biogas (methane derived from animal manure and other digested organic material).

What is the difference between HVO and biodiesel?

Biodiesel RME is based on plants (typically rapeseed), is a 1st generation biodiesel and meets the standard EN14214 for biodiesel. HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) is based on advanced raw materials such as residues and waste. HVO is a 2nd generation biodiesel and meets the standard EN15940 for paraffin fuels.

What is FAME biodiesel?

FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) is the generic chemical term for biodiesel derived from renewable sources. It is used to extend or replace mineral diesel and gas oil used to fuel on and off-road vehicles and static engines.

What is R100 diesel?

Biomass-based diesel fuels are most often used in blends with petroleum diesel. Pure, unblended biodiesel is referred to as B100. Pure, unblended renewable diesel is called R100.

Do biofuels burn cleaner than gasoline?

MYTH: In terms of emissions, biofuels emit the same amount as gasoline or more. FACT: Biofuels burn cleaner than gasoline, resulting in fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and are fully biodegradable, unlike some fuel additives. Cellulosic ethanol has the potential to cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 86%.

What are the 5 types of biofuel?

Various Types of Biofuel

  • Wood. This is the most basic form of fuel that is derived from organic matter.
  • Biogas. This is the gaseous form of biofuels.
  • Biodiesel. This biofuel is liquid in nature.
  • Ethanol.
  • Methanol.
  • Butanol.

What are the three types of biofuels?

There are three common types of biofuels, which include:

  • Ethanol. Ethanol is pure alcohol or ethyl alcohol and is probably the most common alternative biofuel used in motor vehicles today.
  • Biodiesel. Biodiesel is becoming more popular, and it mimics the traditional petroleum-based diesel.
  • Biobutanol.

What is double counting in advanced biofuels?

Double counting was included in the RED I proposal and was applied to the advanced or second-generation biofuels. The European Commission and the Parliament do not want double-counting to be applied to advanced biofuels in the revised proposal. However, the Council has called for counting “twice their energy content“.

Should advanced biofuels be counted twice their energy content?

The European Commission and the Parliament do not want double-counting to be applied to advanced biofuels in the revised proposal. However, the Council has called for counting “twice their energy content“.

Does the EU Council’s proposal for biofuels increase fossil fuel dependency?

The EU Council’s proposal for double or even multiple counting of advanced biofuels and green electricity consumption will increase Europe’s dependency on fossil fuels to cover “real” energy needs, something which conflicts with the principal objective of the RED II legislation.

What is double-counting for feedstocks in Annex IX?

Feedstocks in Annex IX (both Part A and Part B) are eligible for double-counting. This means that the claim for biofuel from the feedstocks mentioned there results in the crediting of twice the number of HBEs. This is an additional stimulus for delivering and claiming delivery of biofuel from waste and residue flows.

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