What do you mean by defuses?

What do you mean by defuses?

Definition of defuse transitive verb. 1 : to remove the fuse from (a mine, a bomb. etc.) 2 : to make less harmful, potent, or tense defuse a crisis.

How do you use defuse?

Using Defuse in a Sentence You can also use it to describe making any situation calmer or less dangerous. For example, When the two girls realized they were wearing the same dress, they decided to defuse the awkward situation by joking about it rather than becoming angry and fighting about it.

What is defusing a situation?

defuse (something) To settle, calm, or make less dangerous an extremely tense, hostile, or volatile situation. Likened to removing the fuse from or otherwise disabling a bomb. The shouting match between the two employees was getting increasingly aggressive, so the boss was brought in to defuse the situation.

What’s the difference between diffuse and defuse?

Defuse is a verb that means to disarm an explosive or relieve tension from a situation. Diffuse is an adjective referring to a lack of concentration, or a verb that means to spread out or to circulate.

What is the correct meaning of detonated?

to explode with sudden violence
: to explode with sudden violence. transitive verb. 1 : to cause to detonate detonate a bomb — compare deflagrate. 2 : to set off in a burst of activity : spark programs that detonated controversies.

How do you spell defusal?

to make less dangerous, tense, or embarrassing: to defuse a potentially ugly situation. verb (used without object), de·fused, de·fus·ing. to grow less dangerous; weaken.

What is the root word of the defuse?

defuse (v.) “remove the fuse from (an explosive),” 1943, from de- + fuse (n.). Figuratively, of tensions, conflict, etc., by 1966.

How do you diffuse a situation at work?

Three Leadership Steps to Defuse Tense Situations

  1. Step 1: Empathize. Listen, and then show that you’ve heard by recapping how it looks from the team members’ point of view.
  2. Step 2: Offer support. Demonstrate commitment to lending a helping hand if the situation gets worse.
  3. Step 3: Invoke higher principles.

What does defuse conflict mean?

1 to remove the triggering device of (a bomb, etc.) 2 to remove the cause of tension from (a crisis, etc.) Avoid confusion with diffuse.

What do you call people who defuse bombs?

In the United States, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) is a specialized technical area in military and law enforcement.

Is it diffuse tension or defuse tension?

Meaning of Defuse In summary: Diffuse is both a verb and an adjective, and refers to the spreading of something, or making it less concentrated. Defuse functions only as a verb and means “to remove the fuse from something.”

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