What is an 084 number?
Special numbers
Code | Purpose |
03 | Formerly used for calls to Great Britain. The format was 03 + STD code + local number |
08 | Formerly used for Northern Ireland landlines (Now 048). e.g. Belfast 01232 xxx xxx was reached by dialling 08 01232 xxx xxx |
084 | Formerly used for Belfast landlines |
Is there an 084 network?
Attention, 084 has been rated negatively. tellows offers many services related to caller ID and protection against unwanted calls.
What area code is 0845 UK?
In short, 0845 is not an area code. It is a non-geographic number, which means that it is not limited to use or linked to any single area. It is for this reason that many UK companies purchase 0845 numbers. However, they are not as popular as they once were.
Can I find out who a telephone number belongs to?
Go to www.whitepages.com to see your options for a reverse address search or reverse lookup on a phone number. Addresses.com and Anywho.com are two other sites that do free reverse phone number searches for landlines.
What are 084 numbers in UK?
084 numbers These service numbers are used by organisations for sales or enquiry lines. The cost of calling 0843, 0844 and 0845 numbers is made up of two parts: an access charge going to your phone company, and a service charge set by the organisation you are calling.
Is 084 a premium number?
These numbers are classified as being used for “Premium Rate Services” and users are consequently subject to special regulation. (The level of the “on payment” on 084 numbers is not considered adequate to secure a “Premium” service, although a premium charge is commonly paid.)
What area code is 0345?
Telephone numbers with the prefix 0345 are known as non-geographic numbers. This means the code does not denote a specific location, unlike traditional telephone area codes. As such, a company with an 0345 number, can be based almost anywhere within the UK.
Are 084 numbers free?
You’ll find the service charge wherever the number is advertised. Ofcom says the service charge for calls to 087 numbers is between 0p and 13p per minute, while the service charge for calls to 084 numbers is between 0p and 7p per minute.
Is 0844 a premium number?
0844 numbers are a premium rate telephone number that charges the customer a much higher cost than a standard or 0845 number. Many national companies now use these numbers instead of the previous 0870 premium rate telephone number for customer service type queries and take a share of the call cost.
How much does it cost to call 084 numbers in UK?
As part of UK Calling, the cost of calling 084, 087, 09 and 118 numbers has been made clear, with users having to declare their Service Charge. Freephone 080 numbers are now free-to-caller from mobile telephones.
What is the service charge for calls to 087 numbers?
The service charge for calls to 087 numbers is between 0p and 13p per minute. The service charge must be clearly displayed wherever the phone number is advertised or promoted.
What is a 0844 phone number used for?
084 numbers. These service numbers are used by organisations for sales or enquiry lines. The cost of calling 0843, 0844 and 0845 numbers is made up of two parts: an access charge going to your phone company, and a service charge set by the organisation you are calling.
How will Ofcom communicate the changes to UK telephone service charges?
As part of this, Ofcom is working with major landline and mobile providers to develop a national communications campaign which will explain the changes to UK telephone users from next year. 5 Work is also underway to develop a consistent approach across industry to communicating call charges from the day the changes come in.