What percentile is a 157 on the LSAT?

What percentile is a 157 on the LSAT?

approximately 75%
LSAT Percentile For example if your LSAT Scaled Score is 157 you will have a percentile rank of approximately 75% meaning that your Scaled Score of 157 is better than 75% of the LSAT Scaled Scores for the last three years. The Percentile Scores below are the scores for the period from June, 2006 to February 2009.

What percentile is 174 on the LSAT?

75th percentile
Scoring a 174 on the LSAT will place you at or above the 75th percentile of admitted students at all law schools except for Harvard and Yale (though still above their reported medians).

What LSAT score is 82nd percentile?

General LSAT Score Conversion Table

Raw Score Scaled Score Percentile Rank %
82-83 166 93.14
81 165 91.71
79-80 164 89.91
77-78 163 87.84

Is 173 a good LSAT score?

A 170 puts you in the 97th percentile among all LSAT test-takers. Two of the top three schools, Yale and Harvard, reported a median LSAT score of 173, which would put you in the 99th percentile. Many people aim for scores in this range.

Is 163 a good LSAT score?

From your raw scores, the test is graded on an LSAT score scale from 120-180. The average LSAT score is about 150. To get into a top 14 law school, you need to score above 162, and to get into a top 50 law school, you need 154 or above.

What percentile is 163 on LSAT?

85 87.2
The percentile numbers in the chart below indicate the percentage of people that scored below that score in that three years measured….LSAT Percentiles – LSAT Score Percentile Chart.

Score 2019-2020 2018-2019
164 87.4 89.5
163 85 87.2
162 82.7 84.9
161 80.1 82.3

Is a 169 LSAT score good?

A good LSAT score for T-14 law schools is a 170–171 or higher.

Is a 160 LSAT good?

160 score: A score of 160 or above is typically considered a good LSAT score. Although it may not be high enough to get into the highest tier of law school, there are many very reputable law schools with median LSAT scores in this area.

What percentile is a 169 LSAT score?

LSAT Percentiles – LSAT Score Percentile Chart

Score 2019-2020 2018-2019
170 97.1 97.6
169 95.9 96.8
168 94.8 95.4
167 93.3 94.5

Is a 145 LSAT good?

The LSAT has a scale of 180 down to 120. The average LSAT score is around 150. The LSAT has a margin of error, but 145 is considered a symbolic line by legal education experts and school administrators.

What score did Elle Woods get on the LSAT?

a 179
In the film, Elle scored a 179 on her LSAT. That is one point away from a perfect score of 180. This means she scored in the 90th overall percentile.

What LSAT score percentiles do you need for Law School?

We’ve already developed a general sense of LSAT score percentiles from some of the common score thresholds above (160: 80th percentile; 165: 90th percentile; 170: 97-98th percentile, and 174: 99th percentile). Next, we need to determine our goal score range based on the law schools we’re interested in attending.

What are LSAT percentiles and how do they work?

Then you have the LSAT percentiles, which are calculated by comparing the individual’s LSAT scaled score against others who have taken the examination. The LSAT percentile is between 0 percent and 100 percent, and higher percentages indicate a better score.

Which law school has the highest LSAT scores?

LSAT Scores by School Law School LSAT Score 25th Percentile LSAT Score Median LSAT Score 75th Percentile 1 Yale University 170 173 2 Stanford University 169 171 3 Harvard University 170 173 4 Columbia University 169 172

What does a 57 on the LSAT mean?

So, a score of 57 then represents the 50th percentile and is scaled to a 151. Perhaps on a prior LSAT, 55 questions would have been the average. In that case, 55 would have been scaled to a 151. Presumably, that test must have been more difficult because test takers answered fewer questions correctly on average.

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