What is oligarchy according to Aristotle?

What is oligarchy according to Aristotle?

Aristotle used the term oligarchia to designate the rule of the few when it was exercised not by the best but by bad persons unjustly. In this sense, oligarchy is a debased form of aristocracy, which denotes government by the few in which power is vested in the best individuals.

What form of government did Aristotle believe in?

Aristotle considers constitutional government, in which the masses are granted citizenship and govern with everyone’s interest in mind, one of the best forms of government. It combines elements of oligarchy and democracy, finding a compromise between the demands of both the rich and the poor.

What did Aristotle think of monarchy?

Aristotle considered monarchy a true form of government, but warned it could become a tyranny, which he considered a despotic form of government.

How did Aristotle’s view of government differ from Platos?

How did Aristotle’s idea of government differ from Platos? Aristotle: mixed government with rule by many. Plato: government with three different distinct groups.

How did Aristotle define democracy quizlet?

What does Aristotle think of democracy? Aristotle believes that a democracy is a corrupt form of government because it is built upon the belief of majority rule. No matter who the majority is, be it the impoverished or the wealthy, they look out for their own interests and ignore the interests of the minorities.

What is the best constitution according to Aristotle?

Aristotle classified aristocracy as one of his “right” constitutions. Aristocracies are societies governed by a small group of men chosen because they are the “best.” In Aristotle’s view, aristocrats are men of wealth and leisure who have developed their minds so that they have superior intellects.

What were Aristotle’s ideas about mixed government?

Aristotle considers constitutional government (a combination of oligarchy and democracy under law) the ideal form of government, but he observes that none of the three are healthy and that states will cycle between the three forms in an abrupt and chaotic process known as the kyklos or anacyclosis.

What form of government did Aristotle believe was the best Why?

How do Plato and Aristotle’s ideas about art differ?

While Plato condemns art because it is in effect a copy of a copy – since reality is imitation of the Forms and art is then imitation of reality – Aristotle defends art by saying that in the appreciation of art the viewer receives a certain “cognitive value” from the experience (Stumpf, p 99).

What did Aristotle and Plato disagree on?

He studied, catalogued, lectured, debated, and wrote about every area of human knowledge. Although Plato had been his teacher, Aristotle disagreed with much of Plato’s philosophy. Plato was an idealist, who believed that everything had an ideal form. Aristotle believed in looking at the real world and studying it.

Why did Aristotle criticize democracy quizlet?

Aristotle thinks that democracy is a corrupt form of constitutional government, the only thing that differs it from oligarchy, another corrupt perversion, is the fact that democracy is ruling by the large number of poor citizens and oligarchy is ruling by the few number of aristocrats, the indigent are rulers.

What did Aristotle believe was the best form of government quizlet?

Aristocracy – Aristotle highly esteems aristocracy, literally “the rule of the best,” and considers it superior to oligarchy because it values everyone’s interests.

What is the difference between oligarchy and aristocracy?

Aristocracy. The word “aristocracy” is derived from the Greek term “ aristokratía ”,which means “the rule of the best.”

  • Oligarchy[1]The word “oligarchy” is derived from the Greek term “ oligharkia ”,which means “rule of few.” In oligarchic states,in fact,the power is held by a small
  • Modern aristocracies and oligarchies.
  • Was Aristotle against democracy?

    Aristotle’s life seems to have influenced his political thought in various ways: his interest in biology seems to be expressed in the naturalism of his politics; his interest in comparative politics and his sympathies for democracy as well as monarchy may have been encouraged by his travels and experience of diverse political systems; he criticizes harshly, while borrowing extensively, from Plato’s Republic, Statesman, and Laws; and his own Politics is intended to guide rulers and statesmen

    How did Aristotle influence democracy?

    While Aristotle warned that government by the people could degenerate into mob rule, he maintained throughout that it is “advantageous for the form of democracy… for all the citizens to elect the magistrates and to call them to account” (1318b).

    What did Aristotle think of democracy?

    Aristotle saw democracy as the “natural governance order.” 17 He also alarmed about its risks. Aristotle saw that a direct form of democracy whereby the poor would dominate the assembly would lead to tyranny. To avoid tyranny, “it is necessary for democratic citizens to receive a democratic education, an education relative to the regime.” 18

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