What is VC-MUX and LLC?

What is VC-MUX and LLC?

Re: VC MUX/LLC and MTU The difference between LLC-mux and VC-mux comes about when multiple protocols are deployed over the same ADSL connection. LLC-mux allows protocols to be separated on a single ATM virtual circuit, whilst VC-mux requires one ATM virtual circuit per protocol but has lower overheads.

What is VC-MUX connection type?

Virtual Circuit Multiplexing or VC-MUX is a form of network traffic control. It is used in situations where multiplexing is preferable to switching. Multiplexing is used when there’s a need to transport multiple data streams over a single data link. VC-MUX is commonly used in conjunction with PPPoE and PPPoA.

Is PPPoE good for gaming?

It is highly unlikely it is the speed of the connection that makes any difference. There is huge discussion on how much bandwidth this game uses but it depends on the type of server and number of players.

What is VPI and VCI number?

• VPI—The Virtual Path Identifier is an 8- or 12-bit field used to identify paths between sites on the ATM network. It is larger on the NNI to accommodate aggregation on customer paths. • VCI—The Virtual Connection Identifier is a 16-bit field used to identify paths between individual devices on the ATM network.

What is an example of a LLC business?

Many well-known companies are structured as LLCs. For example, Anheuser-Busch, Blockbuster and Westinghouse are all organized as limited liability companies.

What is VCI VPI?

VPI—The Virtual Path Identifier is an 8- or 12-bit field used to identify paths between sites on the ATM network. It is larger on the NNI to accommodate aggregation on customer paths. • VCI—The Virtual Connection Identifier is a 16-bit field used to identify paths between individual devices on the ATM network.

What does VC-MUX stand for?

Virtual circuit multiplexing or VC-MUX is one of the two (the other being LLC encapsulation) mechanisms for identifying the protocol carried in ATM Adaptation Layer 5 (AAL5) frames specified by RFC 2684, Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM .

What is VC-MUX (unsourced material)?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Virtual circuit multiplexing or VC-MUX is one of the two (the other being LLC encapsulation) mechanisms for identifying the protocol carried in ATM Adaptation Layer 5 (AAL5) frames specified by RFC 2684, Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM .

What is the difference between VC-MUX and LLC?

Since VC-MUX requires “agreement” among the computers in the system, it is more expensive. It requires the Internet service provider, for example, to pre-program all their DSL boxes to receive one and only one encoding and decoding method. On the other hand, a LLC method will program this method in the data itself.

What is the difference between PPPoA and VC-MUX?

PPPoA is specified in RFC 2364. Virtual Circuit Multiplexing or VC-MUX is a form of network traffic control. It is used in situations where multiplexing is preferable to switching. Multiplexing is used when there’s a need to transport multiple data streams over a single data link. VC-MUX is commonly used in conjunction with PPPoE and PPPoA.

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