What is the role of family in Indian society?

What is the role of family in Indian society?

Family is of huge importance in society for Indian and it is a dominant institution in the life of an individual. With the second largest population in the world, and often three or more generations often found living together under one roof showing just how much of an importance family life is in the country.

What is Indian family structure?

The traditional Indian family Structurally, the Indian joint family includes three to four living generations, including grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews, all living together in the same household, utilizing a common kitchen and often spending from a common purse, contributed by all.

What are the most important family aspects in India?

Extended family and kinship are the major aspects of the Indian family system. In India, both patriarchal families as well as mother-centric families are found. Respect to the elder members of the family, especially taking care of the parents in their old age is considered as the utmost duty of every son and daughter.

What are the values of family in India?

Examples of Indian family values are – a young person should always touch the feet of his elders; he should never speak in a high or rude tone to those who are older to him; he should always give respect to elders and refer to them as ‘aap’; he should not consume alcohol and tobacco or smoke cigarettes; he should …

What are the characteristics of a family?

Characteristics of Family:

  • (1) A Mating Relationship:
  • (2) A form of Marriage:
  • (3) Some rules of mate selection:
  • (4) A system of Nomenclature:
  • (5) An economic provision:
  • (6) A common habitation:

What do families provide?

On the economic side, the family provides food, shelter, clothing, and physical security for its members, some of whom may be too young or too old to provide for the basic necessities of life themselves. Finally, on the social side, the family may serve to promote order and stability within society as a whole.

What are the characteristics features of Indian family?

Features of Joint Family:

  • Common residence: The members of a joint family live together under a common roof.
  • Joint property: The members of a joint family share common property.
  • Joint Kitchen: ADVERTISEMENTS:
  • Kinship:
  • Common rituals:
  • Head of the family:

What is family in society?

In all human societies the family is a primary social unit, and as an institution the family is older than that of religion or state. Children are born and nurtured in the family until such time as they grow into adults and found their own families.

How does society define family?

The family is generally regarded as a major social institution and a locus of much of a person’s social activity. It is a social unit created by blood, marriage, or adoption, and can be described as nuclear (parents and children) or extended (encompassing other relatives).

What is the role of family in society?

As basic and essential building blocks of societies, families have a crucial role in social development. They bear the primary responsibility for the education and socialization of children as well as instilling values of citizenship and belonging in the society.

What is the role of the family?

Families provide food, clothing, shelter, medical care and a safe environment for its members. The family teaches its children to conform to social standards. As parents socialize their children, they act as authority figures in the home teaching limits and appropriate behavior.

Family The family is an important institution that plays a central role in the lives of most Indians. As a collectivistic society, Indians often emphasise loyalty and interdependence.

What are the features of Indian family systems?

This paper discusses the features of Indian family systems in the light of the Asian collectivistic culture that are pertinent in psychotherapy and family therapy as used in India, and its further scope. Families do not exist in isolation and family dynamics are often best interpreted in the context of their societal and cultural background.

Is the Indian family ready for Family Therapy?

The Indian family, which often feels bewildered in these times of changed values, changed roles, changed morality and changed expectations is in need of support and is ready for family therapy.

What are the Indian tools for working in family therapy?

In the late 1980s, the center developed Indian tools for working in the field of family therapy, notable amongst which are the Family Interaction Pattern Scale, the Family Topology Scale [ 44, 45] and the Marital Quality Scale. [ 46]

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