Is the Keelback better than the Type-6?

Is the Keelback better than the Type-6?

Combined with its higher cost and lower jump range, the Keelback is a lesser trader than the cheaper Type-6, but it remains more than capable and is still the second best ship at the role in its price range.

What is the best cargo ship in Elite Dangerous?

In terms of pure trading, the Cobra has the best cargo capacity of any ship in its price range and has a cargo capacity double that of both the Adder and Hauler. It’s also much cheaper than the Type-6 Transporter, the next logical step on the trading ship ladder.

How much is a Type-9?

Lakon Type-9 Heavy
Cost: 76,555,842 Cr
Top Speed*: 130 m/s
Boost Speed*: 200 m/s

Can the Anaconda have a fighter Bay?

Ships that can equip a Fighter Hangar include: Alliance Crusader (Class 5-6) Anaconda (Class 5-7)

Is the dolphin a good ship?

Overall, the Dolphin is a stylish exploration ship, the most efficient choice for transporting luxury VIP passengers, and a reasonable alternative to the trade focused Type-6 Transporter, but any combat activities should be avoided.

Where do 9s go in stress?

When 9s are stressed, they first dip into their unhealthy traits as a 9 (indecisive, passive aggressive, forgetful). However, after that level, if they are still stressed or the stress increases they will move towards type 6 and pick up the average to unhealthy traits of 6.

What is the rarest Enneagram type?

Type 8
According to an Enneagram Population Distribution study, the rarest Enneagram is Type 8: The Challenger. Next comes the Investigator (Type 5), followed by the Helper (Type 2). The most common is the Peacemaker (Type 9).

Is the federal gunship good?

The truth is, the Federal Gunship is worth your pretty penny for only one task — the very sufficient killing of other ships. Therefore the ship is preferred by skilled players going into pirate lore or fans of PvP.

How good is the keelback?

The Keelback is your hybrid trader/fighter, with less cargo space but for better armament. The Keelback has 4 hard-points – two class 1 on the underside, whilst two class 2 on the top. The shielding may let this ship down somewhat in combat. The Keelback could used for exploration due to its 26ly range.

What is Elite rating in Elite Dangerous?

Elite Rating. Like previous games in the series, Elite Dangerous has an Elite Rating. New to Elite Dangerous is the concept of Trading Rank and Exploration Rank – these additional rating scales give you two new ways to gain the coveted Elite rating in addition to normal combat wins.

What class is the keelback in Star Citizen?

In combat, the Keelback retains the two Class 1 hardpoints of the Type-6 and now has two additional Class 2 hardpoints as well. Compared to ships of its price range, such as the Asp Scout and Diamondback Explorer, the Keelback has the lowest damage output of the range.

Where are the hardpoints on a keelback ship?

Keelback hardpoints convergence Two Class 2 hardpoints are located on top of the ship, very close to the cockpit, and two Class 1 hardpoints are located on the bottom of the ship and further back. One of three utility mounts is located on the nose of the ship directly above the frontal landing gear piece, and two more on top and at the back.

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