What constitutes a felony DUI in Arizona?

What constitutes a felony DUI in Arizona?

§ 28-1383, Felony DUIs occur when a person: Commits a DUI when their license is suspended – Class 4 Felony – A.R.S. § 28-1383 (A)(1); Receives 3 or more DUIs in a 7-year period – Class 4 Felony – A.R.S.

Are all DUIs felonies in Arizona?

In Arizona, most DUI offenses are classified as misdemeanors. However, Extreme and Aggravated DUIs and are both felony offenses in Arizona.

Is extreme DUI in AZ a felony?

Extreme DUI Penalties There is a common misconception that an extreme DUI is classified as a felony. This is not true. In fact, this charge is classified under Arizona law as a Class 1 misdemeanor, which is the same categorization as a standard DUI.

Is the first DUI in Arizona a felony?

A first-offense DUI is class 1 misdemeanor in Arizona. Penalties include 10 days in jail, a 90-day license suspension, at least $1,250 in fines, an alcohol and drug screening, traffic school, and using an ignition interlock device for a year.

How many DUIs is a felony in Arizona?

Under Arizona law, there are a few ways individuals can be charged with felony DUI. Here are some examples: Three DUIs in Seven Years – Multiple DUI convictions are considered an aggravating factor in DUI cases. As a result, motorists can face felony charges for a third DUI conviction within seven years.

How long does DUI stay on record in AZ?

5 years
How long does a DUI stay on your driving record?

State On record for Point length
Arizona 5 years 3 years
Arkansas 5 years 3 years
California 10 years 13 years
Colorado 10 years 2 years

How likely is jail time for first DUI in Arizona?

This category of DUI applies to a person with an alcohol concentration of 0.15 or higher. First offense: You will be jailed for not less than 30 consecutive days with no eligibility for probation or suspended sentence and fined not less than $2,500.

What happens if you get 4 DUIs in Arizona?

ARS 28-1383 makes a fourth-time DUI in a 7-year period in Arizona an aggravated DUI, which is a class 4 felony. Penalties include a mandatory minimum of an 8-month prison sentence, $4,000 in fines, and a 1-year driver’s license suspension.

Is a 3rd DUI a felony in Arizona?

In the state of Arizona, a third or subsequent drunk driving conviction within a seven-year period is charged as a class 4 felony offense. One of the penalties for this type of aggravated DUI is not being eligible for probation or any other type of suspended sentence.

How do you avoid jail time for a DUI in Arizona?

Speak with an experienced DUI lawyer to see if you are eligible for work release or work furlough. In some cases, less jail time may be imposed if you agree to participate in a substance abuse screening and an alcohol and drug treatment program. It is believed this will prevent repeat offenses.

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