What is radiation on the environment?

What is radiation on the environment?

Environmental radiation exists in our environment from naturally occurring and manmade radiation sources. Often, environmental radiation is termed “background radiation.” On average, Iowans receive an annual radiation dose of 300 millirem from natural radiation sources and 60 millirem from manmade radiation sources.

How does electromagnetic radiation affect the environment?

Apart from some minor local effects no significant effects of EMF on environmental species have been identified. Studies occasionally published on the effects of EMF on species in the environment have generally been scattered in focus and uneven in quality.

What are the harmful effects of radioactive pollution?

Development of Diseases due to Radioactive Pollution Exposure. The most common disease that arises in people that have been exposed to radioactive pollution is cancer. Other dangerous diseases that might be brought on by exposure to radioactive waste include anaemia, leukaemia, haemorrhages, and cardiovascular diseases …

What is radiation pollution causes and effects?

This radiation is generated through detonation of nuclear weapons or in power plants. Therefore, the meaning of radiation pollution is that, while there are ubiquitous sources of radiation, it is mostly the high-energy radiation that causes radiation pollution, carrying serious health risks (such as cancer or death).

What are the effects of radioactive pollution?

How much radiation does a phone give off?

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) — which regulates cell phones, among other things, in the United States — has set radiation standards for cell phones at 1.6 watts per kilogram averaged over 1 gram of tissue.

What are symptoms of radiation?

Symptoms of radiation sickness may include:

  • Weakness, fatigue, fainting, confusion.
  • Bleeding from the nose, mouth, gums, and rectum.
  • Bruising, skin burns, open sores on the skin, sloughing of skin.
  • Dehydration.
  • Diarrhea, bloody stool.
  • Fever.
  • Hair loss.
  • Inflammation of exposed areas (redness, tenderness, swelling, bleeding)

How can radiation affect plants?

High doses of radiation can cause seeds to not sprout, grow slowly, lose fertility or develop genetic mutations that can change characteristics of the plant.

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