What is the specialty of Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Lab?

What is the specialty of Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Lab?

The K-State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory is a full-service animal diagnostic laboratory that offers a range of diagnostic tests and services important for domestic and wild animals, located at Kansas State University’s Manhattan campus.

How long does it take to get FAVN results?

The turnaround time for FAVN results average between two to three weeks, but may take as long as four weeks.

How long does it take to get a rabies titer results?

Generally, antibody levels are expected to be highest approximately 2-3 weeks after completing a primary rabies virus vaccination series. After being vaccinated, antibody levels subside over time.

How long is a FAVN good for?

In order to pass the test, your pet’s blood sample must show an antibody response that is greater than or equal to 0.5 IU/ml. Once your pet passes the OIE-FAVN test, that test result remains valid for 3 years.

How long does rabies titer test last?

How long is a rabies Titer blood test valid for? The rabies Titer results will remain valid for the life of your pet as long as you keep up to date with their rabies vaccinations. If your pet is without a valid rabies vaccination for any period of time, the blood test will become invalid.

Do you have to quarantine your dog in Hawaii?

To prevent rabies from entering the state, the current law requires that dogs, cats and carnivores complete either the 120-day or 5 Day Or Less rabies quarantine. The law also requires that entire cost of the rabies quarantine program be paid by the users of the quarantine facility.

How does FAVN test work?

The Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralization (FAVN) test measures the response of an animal’s immune system to the rabies vaccine. More specifically, it is a virus neutralization assay developed to screen animal sera by a standard method for an adequate level of rabies antibodies following vaccination.

What does FAVN mean?

Fluorescent Antibody Viral Neutralization
The Rabies Antibody Titer or FAVN-OIE Tests (FAVN stands for Fluorescent Antibody Viral Neutralization) is to ensure that the rabies vaccinations have provided adequate rabies antibody levels for travel.

How do you read a rabies titer?

According to World Health Organization guidelines, a rabies antibody level of greater than or equal to 0.5 IU/mL demonstrates an adequate response to vaccination (1). If the level falls below this value, a booster dose of rabies vaccine may be recommended for people who are at frequent risk of rabies virus exposure.


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