Which was mainly responsible for the Bhopal mishap in 1984?

Which was mainly responsible for the Bhopal mishap in 1984?

Union Carbide pesticide factory
3, 1984: Bhopal, ‘Worst Industrial Accident in History’ 1984: Poison gas leaks from a Union Carbide pesticide factory in Bhopal, India. It spreads throughout the city, killing thousands of people outright and thousands more subsequently in a disaster often described as the worst industrial accident in history.

Who is responsible for the Bhopal gas tragedy?

On the night of December 2, 1984, chemical, methyl isocyanate (MIC) spilt out from Union Carbide India Ltd’s (UCIL’s) pesticide factory turned the city of Bhopal into a colossal gas chamber. It was India’s first major industrial disaster.

How many people died in 3 days in Bhopal gas tragedy?

Bhopal disaster

Memorial by Dutch artist Ruth Kupferschmidt for those killed and disabled by the 1984 toxic gas release
Date 2 December 1984 – 3 December 1984
Cause Methyl isocyanate leak from Union Carbide India Limited plant
Deaths At least 3,787; over 16,000 claimed
Non-fatal injuries At least 558,125

Where did Bhopal gas tragedy occur?

Madhya Pradesh state, India
Bhopal disaster, chemical leak in 1984 in the city of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh state, India. At the time, it was called the worst industrial accident in history.

What went wrong in Bhopal gas tragedy?

The disaster happened because water entered Methyl isocyanate. The resulting reaction increased the temperature inside the tank to reach over 200 °C (392 °F). The pressure was more than the tank. The tank had two places to restore the gas.

How did they clean up the Bhopal disaster?

UCIL was permitted to undertake clean-up work only in the years just prior to the Union Carbide sale of its UCIL stock, and spent some $2 million on that effort, which included beginning construction of a secure landfill to hold the wastes from two, on-site solar evaporation ponds.

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