What did Gary Johnson do?

What did Gary Johnson do?

Gary Earl Johnson (born January 1, 1953) is an American businessman, author, and politician. He was the 29th governor of New Mexico from 1995 to 2003 as a member of the Republican Party. He was the Libertarian Party nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 and 2016 elections.

Who ran against Gary Johnson?

Gary Johnson 2016 presidential campaign

Gary Johnson 2016
Campaign 2016 United States presidential election
Candidate Gary Johnson Former Governor of New Mexico (1995–2003) William Weld Former Governor of Massachusetts (1991–97)
Affiliation Libertarian Party

How old is Gary Johnson?

69 years (January 1, 1953)Gary Johnson / Age

How tall is Gary Johnson?

6′ 0″Gary Johnson / Height

Who is the Libertarian nominee?

Jo Jorgensen 2020 presidential campaign

Jo Jorgensen for President
Campaign 2020 Libertarian primaries 2020 U.S. presidential election
Candidate Jo Jorgensen Senior lecturer at Clemson University Spike Cohen Podcaster and businessman
Affiliation Libertarian Party

Who was the Libertarian presidential candidate in 2012?

Gary Johnson 2012 presidential campaign

Gary Johnson 2012
Campaign 2012 United States presidential election
Candidate Gary Johnson Former Governor of New Mexico (1995–2003) Jim Gray Former judge
Affiliation Libertarian Party (formerly Republican Party)
Headquarters Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.

Is Libertarian left or right?

Libertarianism is often thought of as ‘right-wing’ doctrine.

Who ran Green Party 2020?

Howie Hawkins 2020 presidential campaign
Campaign 2020 presidential election (Green primaries)
Candidate Howie Hawkins Co-founder of the Green Party Angela Walker 2016 Socialist Party USA vice-presidential nominee
Affiliation Green Party Legal Marijuana Now Socialist Party USA Socialist Alternative

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