What language is this code?

What language is this code?

Codes arranged alphabetically by alpha-3/ISO 639-2 Code

ISO 639-2 Code ISO 639-1 Code English name of Language
ang English, Old (ca.450-1100)
anp Angika
apa Apache languages
ara ar Arabic

What language is SV se?

ISO Language Code Table

Code Name
sv Swedish
sv-FI Swedish (Finland)
sv-SE Swedish (Sweden)
sw Swahili

What language is MX?

ISO 639-1 standard language codes

Language (Region) Code
Spanish (Ecuador) es-ec
Spanish (Guatemala) es-gt
Spanish (Honduras) es-hn
Spanish (Mexico) es-mx

What language code is Hu?

Hu (Chinese: 户语; pinyin: Hùyǔ), also Angku or Kon Keu, is a Palaungic language of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan, China.

What language is DG?

A programming language that compiles to CPython bytecode, much like Scala compiles to JVM’s. That essentially means that dg is an alternative syntax for Python 3. It allows you to use all of the existing libraries, too.

What is English code?

English Code is a new course that uncovers the power of language to convince, startle and amaze. What makes English Code special? The coding mindset encourages students to experiment and teaches them resilience, collaboration and problem-solving from the domain of computational thinking.

What is linguistic code?

A linguistic “code” is a medium through which signs are created. Computing and genetics also offer two cases where the definition of “code” cannot contain the operations they enable, without admitting to it the functions of a medium.

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