How do you use facetious in a sentence?

How do you use facetious in a sentence?

Facetious sentence example Tom thinks he’s being funny, but he’s only being facetious and rude. She was a facetious person, intending to be amusing. Sorry if that sounds facetious , but it is a valid point. Trying to talk to Jim about serious financial issues is difficult because of his facetious personality.

What’s a word for not taking seriously?

Facetious is often used as a near-synonym of sarcastic, in the sense that someone who’s being facetious should not be taken literally or seriously.

What is factitious fever?

Factitious fever is one of the causes of fever of unknown origin. It is usually an atypical presentation of a common disease (Wolff et al., 1975; Adison et al., 1978; Keefer and Leard, 1955; Petersdorf and Beeson, 1961). Asher (1951) described Munchausen’s syndrome, which includes several examples of factitious fever.

How do you remember factitious?

factitious = false tears. so factitious is artificial where as facetious is humurous. factitious = tears (artificial) facetious = joy (humour). remember this as analogy.

How do you use erudite in a sentence?

Erudite sentence example

  1. The erudite student graduated at the top of her class.
  2. You can tell that he’s erudite in the subject by his enthusiastic language.
  3. The erudite article was a great resource for learning about the difficult topic.
  4. They tend to opt for very erudite books which some of us find unreadable.

How do you use fastidious in a sentence?

Fastidious sentence example

  1. Denton was fastidious about his appearance and he expected the woman at his side to mirror that image.
  2. It thrives in light sandy soil, and is not fastidious , coming from sandy, gravelly places.
  3. It is not fastidious as to soil or situation, but its best place is in dry soil, fully exposed.

What is a word for someone who doesn’t care?

without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others.

Can PTSD cause fever?

Chronic stress and exposure to emotional events can cause a psychogenic fever. This means the fever is caused by psychological factors instead of a virus or other type of inflammatory cause.

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