What is the number 1 zombie movie?

What is the number 1 zombie movie?

1. “Dawn of the Dead” (George A. Romero, 1978)

What is considered the best zombie movie ever made?

1. “Dawn of the Dead” (1978) Let’s get right to it: The original “Dawn of the Dead” is the greatest zombie movie ever.

What started the zombie craze of the 2000s?

Global film revival (2001–2008) Resident Evil in particular sparked a revival of the zombie genre in popular culture, leading to a renewed global interest in zombie films during the early 2000s.

Who made the best zombie movies?

Here’s a film truism that everyone can agree upon: George Romero’s 1968 Night of the Living Dead is probably the most influential and important “zombie film” of all time.

What is the most powerful zombie?

The 13 Most Dangerous Types of Video Game Zombies, Ranked

  1. 1 The Flood – Halo Series.
  2. 2 Necromorphs – Dead Space.
  3. 3 Reaper Soldiers – Mass Effect Series.
  4. 4 Cordyceps Zombies – The Last of Us.
  5. 5 The Undead – Plants Vs Zombies.
  6. 6 The Infected – Left 4 Dead Series.
  7. 7 Volatiles – Dying Light.
  8. 8 T-Virus Zombies – Resident Evil.

Why are zombies still so popular?

The reason zombie movies are so popular is a combination of low budgets, high returns, and suspenseful action. Zombie movies ticks of all the boxes when it comes to triggering our guilty human desires to experience our most basic instinctive fears (as categorized by Dr.

Why do we like zombies so much?

Zombies represent a longing to reconnect with humanity. In zombie apocalypse stories, people are generally more likely to survive if they seek power in numbers. It’s easier to fight off a herd of the walking dead if you have a dozen people by your side.

Can zombies breathe underwater?

TL;DR: No, zombies don’t need oxygen to survive. We don’t know how zombie physiology works, but we know that they don’t breathe. In fact, we’ve seen a number of walkers surviving long periods of time underwater.

How many zombie movies are there?

Nearly 7,900 films were considered in total, with IMDb user ratings and Metascores from Metacritic presented here for critical and popular context. Here are the best zombie movies of all time, starting at #60 and counting down to #1.

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