What is the sentences of nullify?

What is the sentences of nullify?

Nullify sentence example The goal of the discussion was to nullify the Tariff Act of 1832. The connexion of the Passion with the Passover rather than Purim would alone be sufficient to nullify the suggestion.

How do you use conundrums in a sentence?

Conundrum in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The conundrum is that I am stranded in the middle of nowhere without my cell phone.
  2. The government has spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to unearth a solution to the fuel conundrum.
  3. Perhaps the answer to the fuel conundrum is mandatory carpooling.

What is a sentence projectile?

Projectiles sentence example. Projectiles began to fall still more frequently in the battery. Wounds caused by projectiles , sabres, etc, are the special subject of naval and military surgery. Securing all loose articles that could become dangerous projectiles on a fast ride.

How do you nullify?

To nullify something means to make it invalid or ineffective. A peace treaty is an attempt to nullify aggression and division within a region. If you take a null, or a zero, and make it into an action you can take, and you’ve got nullify — the act of making something void or zero-like.

Is nullify a legal term?

Nullify means to remove the force, effectiveness, or value of something. The thing nullified is the refered to as null and void, or as being a nullity. It may refer to the invalidation of something by court order, on legal or ethical grounds of unsoundness.

What is nullify in social studies?

What does nullify mean in politics?

Nullification is a legal doctrine, which argues that states have the ability — and duty — to invalidate national actions they deem unconstitutional. In its most overt manifestation, this form of resistance is used by state leaders to dispute perceived federal overreach and reject federal authority.

How do you use contrite in a sentence?

Contrite sentence example

  1. I’m sure God has forgiven their little transgressions and the two of them are contrite for their actions.
  2. I tried to look contrite .
  3. The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

What is a sentence for approximate?

(1) The approximate time is three o’clock. (2) The cost given is only approximate. (3) The train’s approximate time of arrival is 10.30. (4) The approximate date of his departure is next month.

What is the sentence of infallible?

Infallible sentence example. You’re not infallible like me. A dozen good articles do not make an author infallible . It maintained that the church’s infallible authority was committed to pope and bishops jointly.

What is the sentence of annihilated?

Examples of annihilate in a Sentence The enemy troops were annihilated. He annihilated his opponent in the last election.

How do you use nullification in a sentence?

use “nullify” in a sentence Some scholars hold that if an inexperienced buyer is sway ed by the seller, the consumer may nullify the transaction upon realizing the seller’s unfair treatment. Although Salleh initially agreed, when he was later informed that his suspension would be backdated so as to nullify Madison’s judgment is clearer.

How to use unjustifiable in a sentence?

How to use unjustifiable in a sentence. Example sentences with the word unjustifiable. The most voted sentence example for unjustifiable is But these vagaries are not onl…

How to use “unintelligent” in a sentence?

In that respect he needs to keep his feet on the ground and not get carried away.

  • He takes after the old feller in that respect.
  • The Government are still lily-livered in that respect.
  • Your sister Alice was sadly lacking in that respect.
  • In that respect they therefore have some similarity with hire-purchase agreements.
  • How to use “negligent” in a sentence?

    Are these encouragements to tradesmen to be negligent and careless of the event of things?

  • People are still more negligent in taking out insurance policies without reading them.
  • Hark how the people talk of such conduct as the slothful negligent trader discovers in his way.
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