How do you determine the value of high moisture corn?
“If the buyer and seller agree on this method of adjusting for the excess moisture, they can determine the value of the 1,000 pounds of high-moisture corn by multiplying the cash price per bushel of corn on that day by the equivalent bushels of 15.5% moisture corn in the load,” says Fanning.
How many bushels are in a ton of high moisture corn?
26.35 bushels
Using this method, a ton of high moisture ear corn containing 70 percent of the cobs and 25 percent moisture would contain (2,000 pounds/75.91) = 26.35 bushels of No. 2 corn equivalent.
How much does a bushel of corn weigh at 20% moisture?
100,000 lbs of grain at 20% moisture = 80,000 lbs of absolute dry matter (i.e., 100,000 x 0.80). 80,000 lbs of absolute dry matter = 94,118 lbs of grain at 15% moisture (i.e., 80,000 / 0.85). 94,118 lbs of grain at 15% moisture = 1681 bu of grain at 15% moisture (i.e., 94,118 / 56).
How do you convert wet yield to dry yield?
Multiply the weight of the “wet” grain by the initial percent dry matter content, then divide the result by the desired ending percent dry matter content. Example: 100000 lbs of grain at 20% moisture = 80000 lbs of absolute dry matter (i.e., 100000 x 0.80).
What is considered high-moisture corn?
High-moisture corn refers to corn harvested at 24 percent or greater moisture, stored and allowed to ferment in a silo or other storage structure, and used as feed for livestock.
How much does a bushel of high moisture corn weigh?
56 lbs.
A bushel of corn at any moisture level weighs 56 lbs. i. A bushel of corn at 15.5% moisture contains 47.32 lbs of dry (0.0% moisture) corn and 8.68 lbs of water.
What is considered high moisture corn?
How much does a bushel of high moisture corn weight?
56 lbs/bu
The United States Department of Agriculture established the standard test weight of a bushel of corn as 56 lbs/bu based on 15.5% moisture content.
What is ideal corn moisture?
The optimum harvest moisture content for corn is around 23 to 25%. 3. At this moisture content range, kernels generally shell from the cob easily. During harvest time, kernel moisture content loss averages about 1 to 2%/day.
What percent moisture should corn be?
The optimum harvest moisture content for corn is around 23 to 25%. At this moisture content range, kernels generally shell from the cob easily. During harvest time, kernel moisture content loss averages about 1 to 2%/day.
Is it worth drying corn?
“If you can scout your corn well and find areas that have good stalk quality, then some field drying of the corn may be in order. However, for fields with significant stalk rot and risk of lodging, the risk/reward tradeoff of field drying the corn vs. harvesting it wet and artificial drying is worth a good look.”