What is the subjunctive of hacer?

What is the subjunctive of hacer?

Subject Pronouns Hacer: Present Subjunctive Translation
él/ella/usted haga he/she does/makes – you formal do/make
nosotros/as hagamos we do/make
vosotros/as hagáis you all do/make
ellos/ellas/ustedes hagan they/you all formal do/make

What is hacer in the past subjunctive?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb hacer in Past Perfect Subjunctive tense….Mode: Subjunctive.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo hubiera hecho
Tu hubieras hecho
El/Ella hubiera hecho
Nosotros hubiéramos hecho

What are the conjugations for hacer?

Hacer conjugation: basic forms

Subject Present Preterite
yo hago hice
haces hiciste
él, ella, Usted hace hizo
nosotros hacemos hizimos

What is the Participio of hacer?

The participio of Hacer is hecho. The present perfect tense is formed by combining the auxiliary verb haber with the participio.

Is hacer regular?

As you’ll soon notice, hacer, or the verb “to do/make”, is an irregular verb in the present, as the “yo” or “I” form of the verb doesn’t conform to the usual -er verb conjugation pattern (i.e. “hago”). However, the rest of the verb is conjugated like a regular -er verb.

What is the present progressive of hacer?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb hacer in Present Progressive tense….Mode: Indicative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Vosotros estáis haciendo
Ellos/Ellas están haciendo

What is the present perfect of hacer?

Mode: Indicative

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo he hecho
Tu has hecho
El/Ella ha hecho
Nosotros hemos hecho

Where is hacer used?

Hacer is an interesting verb that means both “to do” and “to make.” It’s also irregular and one the most common verbs in Spanish. You use it in many situations including doing your homework, making cakes, talking about the weather, or discussing your hobbies, to name just a few.

Is hacer an irregular?

Is hacer Spanish verb?

Hacer is a really important verb in Spanish. Most of the time, it means “to make” or “to do”.

What is the first person plural form of hacer?

Hacer and Poner second person singular – haces. third person singular – hace. first person plural – hacemos. second person plural – hacéis.

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