What is loose chromatin called?

What is loose chromatin called?

Euchromatin is a lightly packed form of chromatin (DNA, RNA, and protein) that is enriched in genes, and is often (but not always) under active transcription.

What does loose chromatin indicate?

During interphase, the chromatin is structurally loose to allow access to RNA and DNA polymerases that transcribe and replicate the DNA. The local structure of chromatin during interphase depends on the specific genes present in the DNA.

What is active chromatin called?

An active chromatin sequence (ACS) is a region of DNA in a eukaryotic chromosome in which histone modifications such as acetylation lead to exposure of the DNA sequence thus allowing binding of transcription factors and transcription to take place. Active chromatin may also be called euchromatin.

What are the major types of chromatin?

Chromatin exists in two forms: heterochromatin (condensed) and euchromatin (extended). The primary protein components of chromatin are histones that help to organize DNA into “bead-like” structures called nucleosomes by providing a base on which the DNA can be wrapped around.

What is euchromatic and heterochromatic?

Heterochromatin is defined as the area of the chromosome which is darkly stained with a DNA specific stain and is in comparatively condensed form. Euchromatin is defined as the area of the chromosome which is rich in gene concentration and actively participates in the transcription process.

What is methylation and acetylation?

Adding an acetyl group to the tail (acetylation) neutralises the charge, making DNA less tightly coiled and increasing transcription. Adding a methyl group to the tail (methylation) maintains the positive charge, making DNA more coiled and reducing transcription.

How does euchromatin differ from heterochromatin?

The major difference between Euchromatin and Heterochromatin is that euchromatin is an uncoiled packed and genetically active form of chromatin. While heterochromatin is a firmly packed form and is a genetically inactive part of the chromosomes.

What is epigenetic change?

Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence.

Which of the following is transcriptionally active chromatin?

Euchromatin is the transcriptionally active region of chromatin in a nucleus.

How is chromatin activated?

Histone modification can open chromatin, thus permitting selective binding of transcription factors that, in turn, recruit RNA polymerase II (Turner, 2005). Varying levels and types of histone modifications have been shown to correlate with levels of chromatin activation.

What is chromatin and types of chromatin?

Chromatin exists in two forms. One form, called euchromatin, is less condensed and can be transcribed. The second form, called heterochromatin, is highly condensed and is typically not transcribed. Under the microscope in its extended form, chromatin looks like beads on a string. The beads are called nucleosomes.

What information do Euchromatic and heterochromatic regions provide?

Heterochromatin and euchromatin are two major categories of chromatin higher order structure. Heterochromatin has condensed chromatin structure and is inactive for transcription, while euchromatin has loose chromatin structure and active for transcription.

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