What is e stat?

What is e stat?

Description: E-STAT is an interactive tool about society and the economy in Canada, free online and available only to educational institutions. E-STAT contains Canada-wide community information, CANSIM, current and historical population and agriculture census data, and Aboriginal Peoples Survey.

Is it mandatory to answer Statistics Canada?

Do I have to participate? Participation in the Census of Population and the Census of Agriculture is mandatory pursuant to the Statistics Act. All Canadian households must complete a Census of Population questionnaire.

What is Cansim?

CANSIM is Statistics Canada’s main socioeconomic database.

Where can I find statistical information about Canada?

Statistics Canada: Canada’s national statistical agency.

What happens if you don’t fill out Statistics Canada?

By means of the Statistics Act, all Canadian adults are legally required to complete the census questionnaire. Failure to do so may result in a fine of up to $500. Census completion can also be legally required by the court.

What is Cansim in Statistics Canada?

CANSIM is Statistics Canada’s main socioeconomic time series database. It contains most of the aggregate data collected by Statistics Canada on a regular basis such as data from the Consumer Price Index Survey, the Labour Force Survey, or the National Income and Expenditure accounts.

How do you find stats online?

7 Great Websites to Find Statistics

  1. Statista.
  2. Gallup.
  3. Pew Research.
  4. Data.gov.
  5. UN Statistical Division.
  6. Google Public Data Explorer.
  7. Knoema.

What happens if you don’t fill out the census in Canada?

By law, Canadians have to fill out their census. Anyone who refuses to fill out the census can face a fine of up to $500.

How does Statistics Canada get my phone number?

Statistics Canada acquires and uses telephone numbers under the authority of the Statistics Act to ensure that all Canadian households, including those that use cellphones exclusively, are contacted and represented so that our surveys produce an accurate picture that reflects all the people of Canada.

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