What domain specific vocabulary does the author use in Everglades Forever?

What domain specific vocabulary does the author use in Everglades Forever?

The author includes domain- specific words in her text. These are words directly related to the topic of Everglades conservation, such as endangered, wetlands, habitat, thermoregulate, and slough.

What does the Everglades Forever Act do?

The Everglades Forever Act requires the state of Florida to: Restore and protect the Everglades ecological system. Authorize the district to proceed expeditiously with implementation of the Everglades program. Reduce excessive levels of phosphorus.

Are the Everglades Forever summary?

Most important is the Everglades Restoration Plan, an unprecedented ecological intervention that will restore the natural flow of water and allow the plants and animals of the Everglades to survive. In Everglades Forever, Trish Marx and Cindy Karp provide an exciting introduction to America’s great wetland.

What are the two purposes of the shallow holes dug by alligators?

Alligators are thought to create alligator holes in order to stay cool during hot weather, to attract prey and to successfully mate and reproduce. The extra water present in alligator holes is beneficial to many other wildlife species including fish, snakes, turtles, insects and birds.

What does the author believe about saving the Everglades?

What does the author believe about saving the Everglades? It must be done to preserve all life on Earth. People can do it if they start now and work hard. Finger glades are the most important parts to save.

What is a solution hole?

Solution holes are pits in karst that formed in the past when sea level and the water table were lower than present levels. Solution holes provide winter dry-season refuge for aquatic animals and provide a repopulation source for species upon reflooding of the marsh during the following summer wet season.

What are the main threats to the Everglades?

The two biggest threats to the Everglades ecosystem are water quality and water quantity. With rapid development on both coasts and an expanding agriculture industry, the human demand for water is increasing rapidly while the supply is not changing.

What is going on in the Everglades?

Hunting and habitat destruction are humans’ main threats to wildlife in the Everglades. Early explorers reported shooting hundreds of wading birds like herons, flamingos and storks, whose plumes were used in women’s hats and other clothing; local wading bird populations have since dropped 80 percent from 1930s levels.

Are the Everglades losing water?

Phosphorus in agricultural and stormwater runoff has degraded water quality in the Everglades since the 1960s. The natural plant and animal communities for which the Everglades are known developed under very low phosphorus conditions.

What would happen if the American alligator went extinct?

If alligators are removed from their native ecosystem, it would affect countless other species. As an American alligator’s teeth wear down or fall out, new ones come in. An alligator can go through 3,000 teeth in a lifetime.

Are there black alligators?

Color. Dorsally, adult American alligators may be olive, brown, gray, or black.

Why is it important to preserve the Everglades?

The Everglades are essential for fish and wildlife, but the system also provides enormous benefits to people, as it: Provides drinking water for more than 8 million Floridians. Protects communities from hurricanes and floods. Supports Florida’s $1.2 billion fishing industry.

What is the Everglades Forever Act Task Force?

Coordinating with other department staff, state and federal agencies, industry representatives, and other groups on permitting activities required under the EFA. The Everglades Forever Act was passed in 1994.

Why are the Everglades so important to Florida?

The loss of the area’s biodiversity doesn’t just hurt the plants and animals that originally made their homes there. Humans have benefited from the Everglades in many ways, from the creation of park and tourism jobs to the water supply that keeps the cities and agriculture of Southern Florida running.

What is the Everglades water quality objective?

The long-term water quality objective for the Everglades is to implement the optimal combination of source controls, stormwater treatment areas, advanced treatment technologies, and regulatory programs to ensure that all waters discharged to the Everglades Protection Area achieve water quality standards consistent with the EFA.

What is the role of the Everglades Technical Advisory Committee?

Directing the activities of the Everglades Technical Advisory Committee, a multi-agency technical committee formed to assist the department in technical activities required by the EFA. Coordinating with other department staff, state and federal agencies, industry representatives, and other groups on permitting activities required under the EFA.

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